
Seta Štuhec

(+43 1) 51581 – 2207


… promovierte in Archäologie an der Universität Ljubliana. Ihre Forschung konzentrierte sich auf die Verwendung von bildbasierten 3D-Modellen als Hilfsmittel für die archäologische Analyse und Interpretation von volkstümlicher Architektur. Bevor sie ans ACDH-CH kam, arbeitete Seta Štuhec in mehreren archäologischen Projekten, darunter go!digital Digitizing Early Farming Cultures und Interreg Iron-Age-Danube, wo sie für die Erstellung von Thesauri und die konzeptionelle Datenmodellierung verantwortlich war.

Am ACDH-CH ist Seta Štuhec Teil der Forschungseinheit DH Forschung & Infrastruktur. Gemeinsam mit Martina Trognitz leitet sie die Arbeitsgruppe Datenmanagement, Digitale Konservierung & Archivierung und ist dort auch regelmäßig an der Datenkuratierung für ARCHE – A Resource Centre for HumanitiEs beteiligt. Darüber hinaus ist Seta Štuhec Teil des Teams für Consulting und Projektmanagement und unterstützt Forschende in allen Projektphasen.


  • Aspöck, E., Štuhec, S., Andorfer, P., Masur, A., & Zaytseva, K. (2022) Digitizing Early Farming Cultures (DEFC) [Data set]. https://hdl.handle.net/21.11115/0000-000D-3979-C.
  • Aspöck, Edeltraud; Štuhec, Seta; Kopetzky, Karin; Kucera, Matthias (Hrsg.) (2020) Old Excavation Data. What Can We Do? Proceedings of the Workshop held at the 10th ICAANE in Vienna, April 2016. In Reihe: Oriental and European Archaeology 16, hrsg. v. Horejs, Barbara; Wien: Verlag der ÖAW (122 Seiten).
  • Aspöck, E.; Štuhec, S.; Kopetzky, K.; Kucera, M. (Hrsg.) (2020) Old excavation data – what can we do? Proccedings from workshop at 10th ICAANE, Vienna April 2015. In Reihe: Oriental and European Archaeology Series 16, 1. Aufl.; Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press.
  • Štuhec, Seta; Aspöck, Edeltraud; Masur, Anja; Andorfer, Peter; Zaytseva, Ksenia (2016) Putting 3D models into context – the Schachermeyr pottery collection and the DEFC app. In: Lerma, José Luis; Cabrelles, Miriam (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Archeology, Computer Graphics, Cultural Heritage and Innovation 'ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0' in Valencia (Spain), Sept. 5 – 7, 2016 (ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0 - 8th International Congress on Archaeology, Computer Graphics, Cultural Heritage and Innovation), S. 449-451 <'https://bit.ly/2Va1ydy'>.
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Publikationen (vor ACDH)


Štuhec, S., G. J. Verhoeven, I. Štuhec 2019, Modelling building costs from 3D building models: Estimating the construction effort from image-based surface models of dry-stone shepherd shelters (Kras, Slovenia). ISPRS International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLII-2/W9, pp. 691–698.


Štuhec, S., U. Košir 2019, Digitising the Great War in 3D: The remains of the Soča Front, Slovenia. – In: Košir, U., M. Črešnar, D. Mlekuž (Eds.), Rediscovering the Great War: Archaeology and enduring legacies on the Soča and Eastern fronts. – Material culture and modern conflict. New York: Routledge, pp. 43–62.


Štuhec, S. 2017, 3D digital recording: basics. In: J. Zachar, M. Horňák, P. Novaković (eds.) 3D digital recording of archaeological, architectural and artistic heritage. CONPRA Series, Vol. I. University of Ljubljana Press, Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana, pp. 15-21.


Štuhec, S., J. Zachar 2017, Digital photorammetry. In: J. Zachar, M. Horňák, P. Novaković (eds.) 3D digital recording of archaeological, architectural and artistic heritage. CONPRA Series, Vol. I. University of Ljubljana Press, Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana, pp. 33-52.


Štuhec, S., E. Aspöck, A. Masur, P. Andorfer, K. Zaytseva 2016, Putting 3D models into context – the Schachermeyr pottery collection and the DEFC app. – In: Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Archaeology, Computer Graphics, Cultural Heritage and Innovation ‘ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0’, 5. – 7. Sept. 2016, Valencia, Spain.


Verhoeven, G., N. Doneus, M. Doneus, S. Štuhec 2015, From Pixel to Mesh – Accurate and Straightforward 3D Documentation of Cultural Heritage from Cres/Lošinj Archipelago. – In: Ettinger Starčić, Z., Tončinić, D. (Eds.), Conference proceedings of Istraživanja na otocima. HAD, Zagreb, pp. 165–176.


Štular, B., S. Štuhec 2015, 3D Archaeology, Early Medieval Earrings from Kranj. Založba ZRC, Ljubljana.


Verhoeven, G., W. Karel, S. Štuhec, M. Doneus, I. Trink, N. Pfeiffer 2015, Mind your gray tones – examining the influence of decolourization methods on IP extraction and matching for architectural image-based modelling. – In:  González-Aguilera et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of 3D-Arch 2015, 307–314.


Zachar, J., S. Štuhec 2015, Old versus new - introducing image-based 3D modelling into the general documentation workflow of archaeological rescue excavations. Case studies: the Čachtice and Bratislava castles, Slovakia. – In: F. Giligny, F. Djindjian, L. Costa, P. Moscati, S. Robert (eds.), CAA 2014 – 21st Century Archaeology. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Oxford 2015, 529–540.


Štuhec, S. 2014, Tridimenzionalno dokumentiranje suhozidne arhitekture Krasa in Istre / Three-dimensional documentation of dry-stone architecture in Kras and Istria. Arheo 31, 2014, 49–68.


Štuhec, S. 2014, 3D Dokumentacija arheoloških predmetov. – In: P. Novaković, I. Pandžić, Z. Mileusnić (Eds.), Radovi sa konferencije i radionica projekta BIHERIT. Banja Luka (27. 2. 2014), Tuzla (8. 5. 2014), Sarajevo (2.-3.7. 2014). Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani, 2014, 117–125.


Štuhec, S. 2012, Dvoinpoldimenzionalno in tridimenzionalno upodabljanje artefaktov. Arheo 29, 2012, 87–98.