The Institute’s disciplinary breadth and expertise are also reflected in the diversity of research projects, which can be divided into three types in terms of their type of funding and – associated with this – the form of their content-related and structural embedding in the institute:

  1. Globally-funded (OeAW-internal) research projects: These include, in particular, the Institute’s five “long-term projects” (four long-term projects in musicology and one long-term project in linguistics).
  2. Third-party-funded research projects that are primarily located at the Institute in terms of funding and personnel (especially in the person of the project leader): Projects of this type are usually primarily assigned to one of the three research units Linguistics, Literature & Textual Studies or Musicology, whereby the digital agendas of the research projects are implemented in close cooperation with the DHRI research unit.
  3. Cooperation projects to which the Institute, and in this case the DHRI research unit, primarily contributes digital-technical expertise and assumes full or partial responsibility for implementing the digital-technical work modules. Most of these cooperation projects are also financed by third-party funds, with the ACDH-CH acting as a national or international cooperation partner in the application process.

The following overview lists the institute’s research projects alphabetically by type. All projects are also assigned to one or – in the case of cross-unit projects – several research units and can be accessed via the research focus of the units.

ADD – Astronomical Diaries Digital
The ABC(s) of Dialects
Young Adler: Early Sources of his Systematic Orientation
Armesünderblätter Online
Auden Musulin Papers
Auden in Austria Digital
Austriacisms – AMC meets Variationist Linguistics
The Author as Activist
Aspects of (multi-)lingualism in Austria
APIS – Austrian Prosopographical Information System
Approaching Byzantium in Ottoman Istanbul
FTB – Thomas Bernhard Research Centre
Thomas Bernhard – Heldenplatz
Thomas Bernhard – Wittgensteins Neffe
TBND – Thomas Bernhard Nachlass digital
Beethoven the Younger
Bestiarium Mesopotamicum – Animal Omens in Ancient Mesopotamia
Beyond the Item – Biographies and Itineraries of Cultural Heritage Objects
Friedrich Julius Bieber
Brahms – Wiener Arbeitsstelle
Brahms Reception
B-VG 1920 – The Emergence of the Austrian Federal Constitutional Law of 1920
CANTUS Network
Göttweig Music Archive
ChIA – Accessing and Analyzing Cultural Images
Choirbook of the Munich Wedding (1568)
CLS INFRA – Computational Literary Studies Infrastructure
CONNEC – Connected Clerics: Building a Universal Church in the Late Antique West
Corpus Austrian Dialect Recordings in the 20th Century
Danube Trade 2.0
DH Course Registry Instruction Videos
Digitarium I
Digitarium II
DiTAH – Digital Transformation of Austrian Humanities
Discourses on music at the margins of the Habsburg Monarchy
DLYS – Dictionary of Loanwords in Yalkut Shimoni
Documenting Zargari
dQIÖG – A Workflow for the Pez Edition in a Hybrid Series
DWA Austria pilot study
DYLEN – Diachronic Dynamics of Lexical Networks
DYSEN – Dynamic Sentiment Analyses
Tillich Correspondence
ELEXIS – European Lexicographic Infrastucture
EUROTORT – Database of European case law on tort law
Family Matters
Film music of Johannes Fehring
Flora et Germana
Franciscan Plainchant Manuscripts
Digital Archive Barbara Frischmuth
Fux – Works
GrocerIST – Grocers of Istanbul
Hanslick – Criticism
Hanslick in Context
HAPA – Linguistic History of Albanian Place Names
HistoGis – A Geographical Information System
History of Early Musicology
History and Philosophy of Linguistics
HIT – Histories in Transition
IGNITE – Design Thinking and Making in the Arts and Sciences
InTaVia – In/Tangible European Heritage
Images of Music for Austrian Music History
Die Insel
Index and Inventory of Text Corpora
Jelinek online – Work and Reception
Karl Kraus – Dritte Walpurgisnacht
Karl Kraus – Legal Papers
KONDE – Competency Network Digital Edition
LAPIS – Linguae Austriacae
LexAT – Lexical Atlas Austria
LIÖ – Lexical Information System Austria
Lists in historical periodicals
Mahler – Catalogue raisonné
Mahler – Correspondence
MAMEMS – Mount Athos in Medieval Eastern Mediterranean Society
Margins at the Centre
Medieval Music Manuscripts
MINE – Prosopography of the Members of the Austrian Academy of Sciences 1847–2022
MMP – Mapping Medieval Peoples
Moving Byzantium
Music at the Courts of the House of Habsburg
Music at Saint Stephen's Cathedral
Nestroy’s Vienna
ÖBL – Austrian Biographical Dictionary
oeml online
Pariati – Libretti
Penitential Psalms
PFP – Prosopographical Research Platform Austria
PMB – Personen der Moderne Basis
Portfolio/Showroom – Making Art Research Accessible
Clara Katharina Pollaczek
PROVIDEDH – Progressive Visual Decision Making
(Ps.)-Athanasius – Expositiones in Psalmos
RAHiG – Relational Adjectives in the History of German
The Accounts of Aldersbach Monastery
Reaching out – Dissemination Strategy for the DH Course Registry
RELEVEN – Re-evaluating the Eleventh Century
Resounding Research (CD Series)
Hanslick, Adler, and Musicology
Die Schaubühne
Arthur Schnitzler – Chronicle
Arthur Schnitzler – Early Works IV
Schnitzler – Interviews
Arthur Schnitzler – Diary
Arthur Schnitzler – Literary Correspondences II
Arthur Schnitzler – Literary Correspondences I
Arthur Schnitzler – Places
Arthur Schnitzler – Reading Records
Schubert: Popularity, Mediality, Regionality
PWKM – Prosopography of the Viennese merchant class
Schubert collection of Anton Diabelli
Schubert digital
Schubert – Wiener Arbeitsstelle
SFB “German in Austria. Variation – Contact – Perception”
Shahi – Cultural Formation and Transformation
Shawi – The Shawi-type Arabic dialects
SiCProD – Sigmund of Tyrol’s Court
SOLA – The Apocryphal Sunday
SSHOC – Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud
Tarim Brahmi – The Characters that shaped the Silk Road
Tell el Daba – A Puzzle in 4D
Terminology planning Mongolia
THANADOS – The Anthropological and Archaeological Database of Sepultures
TibSchol – The Dawn of Tibetan Buddhist Scholasticism
Training Digital Scholars
Tillich Lectures
TUNOCENT – Tunisia’s Linguistic terra incognita
VICAV – Vienna Corpus of Arabic Varieties
VieCPro – The Viennese Court
Vienna – different and multi.lingual
Vienna Time Machine
Vienna’s memorable sites
Bruckner’s Copyists
Visiting Vienna
Watermarks in Schubert Manuscripts
WBÖ – Project Cluster
WIBARAB: What is bedouin-type Arabic?
Wien im Kulturfilm
70 AD Jerusalem
YouBeOn – Young Believers Online