Data-driven scholarship in the humanities requires the appropriate tools and software for the production, description, visualization, annotation, and analysis of its objects of interest. Drawing from the abundance of available open source software from the DH community, our spectrum of services ranges from hosting existing tools to developing bespoke solutions tailored to the specific data models and needs of a project and researcher. To continuously improve and expand our portfolio, we explore emerging trends, familiarize ourselves with state-of-the-art developments, and generally strive to foster a culture of openness, learning, and curiosity.

Our applications support collaborative work and offer programmatic access to data via well-defined APIs.  We release most of our code on GitHub under open source licenses (MIT by default). Solutions especially suitable for reuse are listed in the ACDH-CH Software Dashboard.

The programming languages most frequently used in the ACDH-CH ecosystem are Python, TypeScript, and PHP. We utilize a variety of frameworks, both in front- (VueJS, ReactJS) and back-end (Django, Flask). We put particular emphasis on quality assurance (linting, testing) and modern deployment strategies.


Austriacisms – AMC meets Variationist Linguistics
Beyond the Item – Biographies and Itineraries of Cultural Heritage Objects
ChIA – Accessing and Analyzing Cultural Images
DYLEN – Diachronic Dynamics of Lexical Networks
DYSEN – Dynamic Sentiment Analyses
EUROTORT – Database of European case law on tort law
Digital Archive Barbara Frischmuth
GrocerIST – Grocers of Istanbul
HAPA – Linguistic History of Albanian Place Names
HIT – Histories in Transition
Karl Kraus – Legal Papers
MAMEMS – Mount Athos in Medieval Eastern Mediterranean Society
MMP – Mapping Medieval Peoples
Margins at the Centre
(Ps.)-Athanasius – Expositiones in Psalmos
Arthur Schnitzler – Literary Correspondences I
Arthur Schnitzler – Literary Correspondences II
Shawi – The Shawi-type Arabic dialects
SiCProD – Sigmund of Tyrol’s Court
SOLA – The Apocryphal Sunday
Tarim Brahmi – The Characters that shaped the Silk Road
Tillich Correspondence
Tillich Lectures
VICAV – Vienna Corpus of Arabic Varieties
WIBARAB – What is bedouin-type Arabic?
YouBeOn – Young Believers Online