In the past, there have already been streamlining measures (or plans for such measures) for the lexicographical work process in order to increase the publication speed of the dictionary articles and optimize the work steps. As part of the reorganization of the project in 2016, at the Linguistics research department, various measures were taken to make lexicographical work more efficient and thus complete the dictionary in the foreseeable future after more than one hundred years of operation. The newly developed and consistently implemented streamlining concept includes restrictions on the original editing area, the time period covered and the general inclusion criteria for lemmas.

Editing area: While the original concept of the editing area was to cover the entire Bavarian language area - including areas such as South Bohemia, South Moravia or some Bavarian language islands - the new articles are limited to Austria (without the Alemannic Vorarlberg) and South Tyrol. However, references that cannot be included in the articles due to this streamlining concept can still be viewed via the WBÖ database in the Lexical Information System Austria (LIÖ).

Time period: As already considered in earlier streamlining concepts, historical evidence from sources before 1860 will initially no longer be included in the new concept for WBÖ articles. The articles will therefore be based primarily on the language data collected specifically for the WBÖ in the 20th century.

Inclusion criteria for WBÖ lemmas: In the new lexicographical work process, only lemmas for which there are a minimum number of ten records for the defined period from 1860 onwards from the newly defined editing area will be considered. For word formations, an additional minimum number of two entries was defined as a criterion for inclusion in the articles. However, lemmas (including word formations) with fewer entries can still be found in the Lexical Information System Austria (LIÖ).