The lexicographical work in the context of the WBÖ-Project Cluster is supported by a set of specialized digital tools that optimize the entire process from data preparation to the publication of dictionary articles and the links to their data. These tools use state-of-the-art web technologies and are both user-friendly and customizable.

The central tool for writing articles is the Lexicographic Editor, an Electron App based on Chromium. Articles are written here directly in TEI (Text Encoding Initiative), but via a user-friendly interface. An integrated preview function also makes it possible to check the work in real time. As it is based on web technologies such as JavaScript, HTML and CSS, the Lexicographic Editor is independent of the operating system and open source, allowing it to be adapted for other projects. The finished articles are stored in a GIT repository and can be displayed directly on the LIÖ platform after being reviewed and approved.

A central tool in the lexicographic process is the so-called CollectionCat. The application provides access to the WBÖ – Document Database and is primarily used to prepare the process of article writing. The tool is optimized for the lexicographical process and offers different default settings for the different stages of article writing. The data can be tagged and categorized or summarized into collections according to various criteria based on the article structure.

The Lemma Database is also an integral part of CollectionCat. This database is used for the planning, execution and documentation of lemma editing by lexicographers. All stages of work on a lemma or article are recorded here, which enables precise tracking and management of lexicographical work.

The Retro-Editor is available for post-processing and, if necessary, correcting the XML-structures of the retro-digitized dictionary articles. This application is based on the Lexicographic Editor and makes it possible to adapt the retro-digitized content to modern requirements and standards.

More detailed information on the tools and technical infrastructure can be found in Breuer & Stöckle (2022).