Catalogue of the Music Archives of the Benedictine Abbey of Göttweig (Lower Austria)

The Benedictine Abbey of Göttweig has a rich collection of music manuscripts, printed music and libretti, mainly from the 18th and 19th centuries, which show both close relations to the imperial court and to other abbeys in Lower Austria as well as to the surrounding towns (e.g. Krems). A part of the famous collection of Aloys Fuchs (1799–1859) was also inserted in the Göttweig Music Archive.

The collection of around 4,000 music manuscripts, 2,000 music prints, textbooks and 300 music-theoretical works and textbooks is among the most extensive and valuable in Austrian monasteries.

Based on Friedrich Wilhelm Riedel’s research and cataloguing work undertaken for nearly 60 years, the music collection will be catalogued by two largely autonomous teams: whereas the music manuscripts will be catalogued under the direction of Bernhard Janz (University of Würzburg), Elisabeth Hilscher (ACDH-CH) is in charge of cataloguing the music prints, libretti and theorica. The results should be published on an ongoing basis in the series Tabulae Musicae Austriacae.



Project lead

Elisabeth Theresia Hilscher

Bernhard Janz, University of Würzburg | Musicological Institute (until 2021)



Bernhard Rameder, Sammlungen des Stiftes Göttweig



since 2017


