Peter Provaznik

(+43 1) 51581 – 3720


... received his BA in musicology from the University of Vienna.

At the ACDH-CH, he is part of the Department of Musicology, focusing on the development of digital tools and resources in support of the curation and presentation of research data, which often involves MEI (Music Encoding Initiative) metadata. Current projects include the Austrian Encyclopedia of Music (oeml online), Schubert digital (which aims to provide detailed descriptions of sources for Schubert’s autographs), and the digital catalog of Gustav Mahler’s works.

Full CV


  • Gubsch, Clemens; Gulewycz, Paul; Provaznik, Peter; (08.09.2023) The WizKit: A New Environment for Editing and Presenting MEI Metadata. Vortrag bei: Encoding Cultures: Joint MEC and TEI Conference 2023, Paderborn/GERMANY.