Complementary to the theoretical reflection on music, the outcome of musicological research can also be implemented in musical practice, as, for example, in lecture recitals or in concerts with specially arranged programmes within the framework of academic conferences. Audio recordings of lecture recitals organized by the Department of Musicology and produced in cooperation with the ÖAW Phonogrammarchiv allow the direct confrontation of scholarly scrutinized research topics on the one hand, their sounding counterparts on the other.

The concerts, arranged by scholars on the basis of new research findings, focus on premieres and first performances of hitherto unknown versions of musical works and fragments as well as previously unpublished compositions. In general, the music features repertoires beyond the classical music business. The documentation of these unique events allows for a sustained and further-reaching engagement. In addition to the audio CD, each booklet contains information on the research projects and their results, short biographies of the interpreters, as well as recording information on the performances.

Projektleitung und Kontakt

Dr. Alexander Rausch


seit 2012
