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Born in Munich (Germany) in 1986, PhD, MA, BA
Corbett completed a BA in History and Philosophy, an MA in History, and a PhD in History at Lancaster University (United Kingdom), including visits as a guest student at Tel Aviv University and Vienna University. In 2011–2014, he received a doctoral scholarship at Lancaster University and worked as an Associate Lecturer in the History Department, as an Assistant Dean in the Graduate College, and as a College Advisor in County College. He completed his PhD in 2015 during a Junior Fellowship at the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies (VWI). In 2015–2016, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Jewish History in New York, in 2016–2017 a Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Contemporary History at Vienna University, and in 2018 the Inaugural Prins Fellow at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York. He has been invited as a guest lecturer to the University of Michigan–Dearborn (2015), the Jüdische Institut für Erwachsenenbildung in Vienna (2016), the Holocaust Center at Wagner College in New York (2021), and the Department of Contemporary History at Vienna University (2023). His research has been funded by various funding bodies, including the Edith Saurer Fund, the Future Fund of the Republic of Austria, and the Leo Baeck Institute–New York. In 2020–2022, he served a term on the Executive Board of the Austrian Studies Association and has been a member of the Academic Advisory Board of the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Exilforschung since 2017. Since 2021, he is a member of the association Steine der Erinnerung. He has been employed at the Institute of Culture Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences since 2023 as part of the antisemitism studies research group.

Areas of Specialisation

Jewish history as well as general social and cultural history in Vienna, Austria, and the former Habsburg Empire, Jewish cemeteries and sepulchral culture, Holocaust studies, the politics of history and memory in Austria after 1945, memoirs of Austrians living in exile in the USA, spatial studies, memory studies



Die Grabstätten meiner Väter. Die jüdischen Friedhöfe in Wien  (Schriften des Centrums für Jüdische Studien, Volume 36, Wien: Böhlau 2021).

Edited Volumes (3)

Edited Volumes (3)

PaRDeS: Journal of the Association for Jewish Studies in Germany 23 (2023), Special Issue: Intersections between Jewish Studies and Habsburg Studies [with Björn Siegel and Mirjam Thulin, forthcoming].

Journal of Austrian Studies 56/4 (Winter 2023), Special Issue: Interdisciplinarity & Diversity in Austrian Studies.

Journal of Austrian Studies 56/2 (Summer 2023), Special Issue: Empire & (Post‑)Colonialism in Austrian Studies.

Peer-Reviewed Articles (13)

Peer-Reviewed Articles (13)

Towards Pluricultural and Connected Histories: Intersections between Jewish and Habsburg Studies, in: PaRDeS. Zeitschrift der Vereinigung für jüdische Studien 23 (2023) with Björn Siegel and Mirjam Thulin]

Diversifying Modern Austrian History: Exploring Parallels and Intersections between Jews and Muslims in Austria, in: PaRDeS. Zeitschrift der Vereinigung für jüdische Studien 23 (2023) [with Omar Nasr].

The Israelitische Kultusgemeinde in Vienna: The Transformative Continuity of Jewish Collective Representation in Austria from Early Modernity to the Present, in: Dubnow Institute Yearbook 21 (2023) [forthcoming].

Préservation, expropriation, destruction: avatars des cimetières juifs de Vienne pendant la Shoah / Preservation, Expropriation, Destruction: The Many Fates of Vienna’s Jewish Cemeteries during the Holocaust, in: Revue d’histoire de la Shoah 215 (2022).

(Re-)Writing Austria’s Modern Jewish History Using Émigré and Survivor Memoirs and Other ‘Memory-Texts’, in: Colloquia Germanica: Internationale Zeitschrift für Germanistik 54/1 (2022).

Migration, Integration, and Assimilation: Reassessing Key Concepts in (Jewish) Austrian History, in: Journal of Austrian Studies 54/1 (Spring 2021) [with Klaus Hödl, Caroline Kita, Susanne Korbel, and Dirk Rupnow].

Jumbled Mosaics: Exploring Intracategorical Complexity in the Memoirs of Jewish Austrian (Youth) Emigrants to the United States, in: Journal of Austrian-American History 4 (2020).

Das jüdische Fabelreich in der Ostmark: ‘Jewish’ Historiography and the Question of Origins in Vienna before the Holocaust, in: Contemporary Austrian Studies 29 (2020).

Gustav Cohn’s Jewish Cemetery: A Cultural History, in: Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook 63 (2018).

‘Like an Overgrown Garden…?’ Austrian Historical Memory and the Aftermath of Cultural Genocide at a Jewish Cemetery in Vienna, in: Dapim: Studies on the Holocaust 32/3 (2018).

A ‘Capable Wife’ or a ‘Woman of Valor’? Reading Gendered Discourses and the Commemoration of Women in Vienna’s Jewish Cemeteries, in: Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women’s Studies & Gender Issues 32 (2018).

Culture, Community and Belonging in the Jewish Sections of Vienna’s Central Cemetery, in: Austrian Studies 24 (2016).

‘Was ich den Juden war, wird eine kommende Zeit besser beurteilen…’: Myth and Memory at Theodor Herzl’s Original Gravesite in Vienna, in: S:I.M.O.N. – Shoah: Intervention. Methods. Documentation 3/1 (2016).


Chapters in Edited Collections (5)

Chapters in Edited Collections (5)

„Jüdinnen und Juden in den österreichischen Streitkräften: Ein Überblick“, in: Elena Messner and Peter Pirker (eds.): Kriege gehören ins Museum! Aber wie? (Wien: Atelier, 2021).

„‚… zu deinem Volk versammelt‘. Tod und Erinnerung in der Wiener jüdischen Sepulkralepigraphik vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart“, in: Christian Braun (ed.): Sprache des Sterbens – Sprache des Todes. Linguistische und interdisziplinäre Perspektivierungen eines zentralen Aspekts menschlichen Daseins (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021).

 „Once ‚the Only True Austrians‘. Jews and Austrian Culture in the Early Twentieth Century“, in: Diane Butler, Owen Pell, Tim Corbett, Neil Christian Pages und Karen Barzman: The Binghamton Nuvolone. Restoring an Object in Six Parts (Binghamton: Binghamton University Art Museum, 2019).

„Once ‚the Only True Austrians‘. Mobilising Jewish Memory of the First World War for Belonging in the New Austrian Nation, 1929–1938“, in: Edward Madigan and Gideon Reuveni (eds.): The Jewish Experience of the First World War (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019).

„The Jewish Cemetery of Währing, Vienna. Competing Voices and Contested Discourses in the Austrian Restoration Debates“, in: David Seymour and Mercedes Camino (eds.): The Holocaust in the Twenty-First Century. Contesting/Contested Memories (London: Routledge, 2017).

Encyclopedia Entries (2)

Encyclopedia Entries (2)

Arthur-Schnitzler-Hof“, in: Lexikon zur österreichischen Zeitgeschichte, 2018.

Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien“, in: Lexikon zur österreichischen Zeitgeschichte, 2018.

Reviews (14)

Reviews (14)

Walter Sauer: Jenseits von Soliman. Afrikanische Migration und Communitybuilding in Österreich – eine Geschichte, mit einem Beitrag von Vanessa Spanbauer, in: Journal of Austrian Studies 56/4 (Winter 2023).

Barbora Pásztorová: Metternich, the German Question and the Pursuit of Peace, 1840–1848, in: Journal of Austrian Studies 56/3 (Fall 2023).

Sieglinde Klettenhammer and Kurt Scharr (eds.): Was heißt Österreich? Überlegungen zum Feld der Austrian Studies im 21. Jahrhundert, in: Journal of Austrian Studies 56/1 (2023).

Marcus Gräser and Dirk Rupnow (eds.): Österreichische Zeitgeschichte – Zeitgeschichte in Österreich: Eine Standortbestimmung in Zeiten des Umbruchs, in: Journal of Austrian Studies 55/4 (2022).

Johannes Feichtinger and Heidemarie Uhl (eds.): Habsburg Neu Denken. Vielfalt und Ambivalenz in Zentraleuropa, in: Journal of Austrian Studies 50/1-2 (2017). 

Imke Hansen: „Nie wieder Auschwitz!“ Die Entstehung eines Symbols und der Alltag einer Gedenkstätte 1945-1955, in: English Historical Review 132/554 (2017). 

Timothy Pytell: Viktor Frankl’s Search for Meaning. An Emblematic 20th-Century Life, in: Journal of Austrian Studies 49/3-4 (2016). 

Aglaia Bianchi: Shoah und Dialog bei Primo Levi und Ruth Klüger, in: Journal of Austrian Studies 48/3 (2015). 

Media Publications (7)

Media Publications (7)

Sebastian Kurz mit Karl Lueger zu vergleichen ist nicht ganz falsch“, podcast interview conducted by Christa Zöchling in profil (2022).

 „Jumbled Mosaics. Exploring Intracategorical Complexity in the Memoirs of Jewish Austrian Youth Emigrants to the United States“, podcast in the series Austrian Children and Youth Fleeing Nazi Austria of the Botstiber Institute for Austrian-American Studies (2022).

Die Grabstätten meiner Väter. Die Jüdischen Friedhöfe in Wien“, book presentation at the Leibniz Institute for Jewish History and Culture – Simon Dubnow in the framework of the Jüdische Woche Leipzig 2021 (29 June 2021).

Tim Corbett: Nazi Cultural Genocide in Vienna“, guest lecture at Wagner College Holocaust Center in New York (29 March 2021).

 „‚Liebe Österreicherinnen, liebe Österreicher…‘. Wie eine Pandemie zur (Re-) Nationalisierung Europas führt“, entry in the IWM Blog #ClosedButActive (31 March 2020).

Exploring Austrian-Jewish History. A Conversation with Dr. Tim Corbett“, podcast in the series Stories Survive of the Museum of Jewish Heritage, New York (2018).

From Vienna to New York. Jewish Exiles Remember ‚Austria‘ in the Aftermath of the Holocaust“, lecture and roundtable with Jess Olson, Trudy Jeremias, Kurt Sonnenfeld, and Michael Simonson at the Center for Jewish History, New York (9 June 2016).