Isolde Vogel




born 1992 in Berlin, BA BA MA

Studied History and the interdisciplinary Master's program 'Contemporary History and Media' at the University of Vienna with a Master's thesis on the topic of visual Antisemitism research ("Antisemitismus im Bild. Die Ikonologie der Zeitschrift 'Aula'") (2020). Previously, Bachelor's degree in Educational Science as well as International Development at the University of Vienna.

Since 2019, project staff for Yad Vashem (project on the collection, documentation and digitization of Holocaust-related data in various Austrian archives); 2020 project work at IKT on school and teaching in the interwar and Nazi period; 2021 research collaboration at the University of Vienna in the project ERUM (Enhancing Research Understanding through Media) and creation of teaching material on "Conspiracy Myths. The World of Universal Explanations"; 2021 co-curator of the international traveling exhibition "The Vienna Model of Radicalization. Austria and the Shoah"; since 2021 project staff at the IKT in various projects ("Scientific Reappraisal of the History of the Ministry of Education" and "National Socialist City Administration as an Instrument of Terror and Persecution"); 2022 lecturer at the Institute of History (University of Vienna, W 2022/23); supervision of an MA thesis at the Bern University of the Arts; member of the Filmclub Tacheles (association for the promotion of academic exchange on Judaism, Israel and Antisemitism). Currently also preparing a dissertation project on "The History of Ideas of Vaccination Criticism and Anti-Vaccination – Highlighting the Interconnections to Voelkish Ideology and Antisemitism".

Areas of Specialization

History and ideology of National Socialism and the Voelkish Ideology, Shoah, Antisemitism, Politics of Memory


Articles (8)

Articles (8)

„Orte des jüdischen Lebens im nationalsozialistischen Wien. Auf den Spuren der Familie Mezei.“ (Podcast, 45 min), gemeinsam mit Elisabeth Czerniak, in: Gemeinde-Kunst-am-Bau, Edition Angewandte, hg. von Jan Svenungsson und Flora Zimmeter (forthcoming).

„Erinnerungskultur in Kärnten/Koroška“, in: Handbuch – Umgang mit der NS Zeit in Österreich, hg. von Heidemarie Uhl und Martin Tschiggerl (forthcoming).

„Das Wiener Wiesenthal Institut für Holocauststudien“, in: ebendort (forthcoming).

„Ideologie des Schaffens“, zu Geschichte und Ideologie des Begriffes der ‚Kulturschaffenden', in: KUPF Zeitung der Kulturplattform Oberösterreich, March 2021

„‚Kulturschaffende‘. Warum dieser Begriff eine Alternative braucht“. Interview in: Deutschlandfunk Kultur, April 2021

„‚Das Heeresgeschichtliche Museum hat ein systematisches Problem.‘ Im Gespräch mit Ljiljana Radonić über das HGM, das bis heute NS-Verbrechen relativiert“, in: MALMOE Nr. 91, March 2020

„Falsche Kapitalismuskritik und struktureller Antisemitismus“, gemeinsam mit Sebastian Schneider, in: gezeit, Zeitschrift der Fakultätsvertretung Geisteswissenschaft, 2016.