Sandra Klos


T: (+43 1) 515 81 – 4403 



Undergraduate history program at the University of Heidelberg with an exchange year at Queen’s University, ON, Canada as a Baden Württemberg-fellow. Final thesis on depictions of masculinity and modernity in the context of the first modern Olympic Games. Finally, fellow of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation and binational graduate program in Vienna and Lyon with a specialization in European Women’s and Gender History. Final thesis on gendered perspectives in early French “gypsyology”. Since 2017, first as a contractor, then as a freelancer, and finally as regular project staff at the Institute of Culture Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences – first as data curator of the web application ÖAW MINE, then as member of the working group “history of the Austrian Academy of Sciences 1847–2022” and co-author of the resulting edited volume, finally as project staff in various projects on scientific societies in the 19th and 20th centuries in Vienna/Austria. Furthermore, Ph.D. student at the University of Vienna on “Between documentation and self-fashioning. CVs by members of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, late 19th to mid-20th centuries”.

Areas of Specialization

(Austrian) history of science in the 19th and 20th centuries, history of academies, women’s and gender history, scientific associations, autobiographies, scientific careers


(Un)Freedom of choice. Explanations for career choices in mid-20th century Austrian academic CVs, in: Studia historica Brunensia 69/2 (2022), 201–213.

Contested memories and memorable continuities. Austrian Geographer Hugo Hassinger (1877–1952) and his legacy within speleology, in: Bernard CHIROL/Joerg DREYBRODT/Florian GUILLOT/Johannes MATTES/Pierre-Olaf SCHUT/Anne-Laure VULLIEN/Silvian YART (eds.): Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Speleology, Volume II/VI, Savoie Mont Blanc 2022, 217–220.

(together with Doris A. CORRADINI and Brigitte MAZOHL) Störfall Gender. Weibliche Mitglieder – wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterinnen – Förderpolitik – Forschungsperspektiven, in: Johannes FEICHTINGER/Brigitte MAZOHL (eds.): Die Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften 1847–2022. Eine neue Akademiegeschichte, Bd. 3, Wien 2022, 63–175.

(together with Johannes FEICHTINGER) Entnazifizierung an der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Diskurse, Rechtliche Grundlagen, Etappen und Ergebnisse, in: Heimo HALBRAINER/Susanne KORBEL/Gerald LAMPRECHT (eds.): Der „schwierige“ Umgang mit dem Nationalsozialismus an österreichischen Universitäten. Die Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz im Vergleich, Graz 2021.

Full List of Publications and Oral Presentations