Dr. phil.,

André Hertrich


T: (+43 1) 515 81 – 3304



Born 1972 in Unterseen (Switzerland), Magister Artium / Master of Arts
Studied Modern and Contemporary History, Social and Economic History and Japanese Studies at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich (Magister atrium). 2004-2005 PhD scholarship at the German Institute for Japanese Studies in Tokyo. Subsequently, he began studying Peace and Conflict Studies at Philips University in Marburg (Master of Arts), including a six-month internship at UNICEF and a UN-affiliated NGO in New York. From 2008 to 2011 doctoral fellowship at the International Graduate School "Civil Society in Transition. Japan and Germany in Comparison" conducted by Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) and University of Tokyo. In winter semester 2010/11 and summer semester 2011 lecturer at MLU's Institute for Political Science and Japanese Studies. In 2012 scholarship holder at the Graduate School "Society and Culture in Motion" at MLU. Professional activity as IT and ERP administrator at a pharmaceutical wholesaler. From 2016 cumulative dissertation in Japanology at the University of Hamburg. Submission of the PhD thesis in July 2019. From September 2019 to August 2024 postdoc in the ERC Consolidator project "Globalized Memorial Museums. Exhibiting Atrocities in the Era of Claims for Moral Universals" at the Institute of Culture Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

Areas of Specialization

Politics of memory in Japan, war crimes and war criminal trials during and after the Asian-Pacific War, military culture and civil-military relations in Japan, museum analysis and war-related museums

Publications (selection)

Publications (selection)

Ichigaya Memorial and the (Non-)Representation of the Tokyo Trial. In: Contesting Memorial Spaces of Japan’s Empire. Edited by Edward Boyle. London/New York: Bloomsbury, 2023. (upcoming)

Kriegsverbrecherprozesse im Museum: Die historischen Schauplätze von Nürnberger und Tōkyōter Prozess und deren museale Verwendung.” NOAG 90/92, 196-198, 2022.

Krieg und Kriegsverbrechen in Museen der japanischen Selbstverteidigungsstreitkräfte. Militärische Erinnerungspolitik und museale Selbstrepräsentation (Rahmentext zur kumulativen Dissertation). Hamburg: Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg, 2020.

War Memory, Local History, Gender: Self-Representation in Exhibitions of the Ground Self-Defense Force. In: Local History and War Memories in Hokkaido. Edited by Philip A. Seaton, 179–97. London: Routledge, 2016.

A Usable Past? Historical Museums of the Self-Defense Forces and the Construction of Continuities. In: The Power of Memory in Modern Japan. Edited by Sven Saaler and Wolfgang Schwentker, 171–88. Folkstone: Global Oriental, 2008.