Data Protection Information

(in accordance with Art. 13, 14 DSGVO)

You have agreed to participate in this questionnaire, which forms part of the project “ANTISEMITIC DISCOURSES IN ONLINE MEDIA AND THEIR RECEPTION AMONG JEWS IN AUSTRIA” at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Your participation is entirely voluntary. You will not be disadvantaged in any way by declining to participate or by discontinuing your participation at any point during the questionnaire.

Responsible party and contact details of the Data Protection Representative:

Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Culture Studies and Theatre History (IKT) at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Bäckerstraße 13, 1010 Vienna

Contact Person and Project Head: Dr. Ariane Sadjed, email: ariane.sadjed(at)

The ÖAW Data Protection Representative can be contacted under datenschutz(at) Further contact details can be found under

Purpose and Legal Basis:

Your personal data will be processed for the purpose of conducting the research project described in the questionnaire and on the website of the institute (IKT). We will process the data you provide in the questionnaire as well as any data shared from social media and – if so desired – any data provided in a follow-up interview conducted independently from the questionnaire. Specific categories of personal data (sensitive data such as religious beliefs, political views, and ethnic origin) will be processed anonymously insofar as you have provided such data.

The legal basis is given through your explicit consent to participate in this questionnaire and this project (Art. 6 Para. 1 lit a and Art. 9 Para. 2 lit a DSGVO) by checking the appropriate box in and submitting the questionnaire. Your consent may be revoked at any point in the future. The lawfulness of any data processing that occurs up until the revocation of consent is not affected by this revocation of consent.

Recipient and Duration of Storage:

The questionnaire data will exclusively be made public in the context of scholarly publications without the inclusion of names.

The online survey tool “Microsoft Forms” of the Microsoft Corporation will be used to conduct the questionnaire and process the data.

You may discontinue your participation at any time and without citing any reason. In the event that you discontinue your participation prematurely, all data collected up until then will either be deleted or anonymised.

Irrespective of this point, we will store your anonymised data for research purposes, for documentation, and/or to demonstrate good scholarly practice for a period of 10 years or until you revoke consent.

Data may be used for future research purposes insofar as these secondary purposes are compatible with the purpose for which the data was originally collected in accordance with the DSGVO.

Publications that draw on your data will be stored without limitation, yet these will not contain any names. Sensitive data will be published anonymously, meaning that you will not be identifiable by factors like age, origin, profession, or gender.

Information on your Rights:

You have the right to be informed about any data regarding your person, to have this data corrected or deleted, to place limitations on the processing of this data, to object to the processing of this data, and to data portability. You moreover have the right to complain to the Data Protection Authority ( in Austria or in another EU member state.

If you would like to make use of any of the above-mentioned rights or have questions about the project, please contact the Project Head.