Female Theatre Manager Anna Blumlacher (1823–1907)

Mobility and Gender in theatre practice of the nineteenth-century Habsburg Monarchy

Anna Blumlacher (1823–1907) was a theatre actress and manager. With a career spanning more than 80 years and visiting more than 90 theatre stages, she is an emblematic figure for the so-called “provincial theatre” in the 19ᵗʰ century Habsburg Monarchy. Based on in-depth analysis of primary sources, this dissertation project reconstructs and investigates the practice and biography of Blumlacher and other, comparable actors.The aim is to present new insights in the field of 19ᵗʰ century theatre history by applying new perspectives from gender history and the mobility studies. Both of the latter fill essential gaps in research, as they highlight the manifold involvement of women in theatre management, which is traceable throughout the whole 19ᵗʰ century, and allow to investigate mobility as a multifaceted phenomenon, that essentially affected all actors involved in theatre. The project combines historiographical and cultural research with methods from the digital humanities, which enables an entirely new approach towards the research topic.

Lead Researcher:  Patrick Aprent
Funding: ÖAW

Photo: © Theater in der Oberstadt (auditorium Osijek), Amando Alliger, in: Batušić, Nikola: Geschichte des deutschsprachigen Theaters in Kroatien. In: Großegger, Elisabeth/Marinelli- König, Gertraud (eds.), 2017.