Funding: FFG-COIN Programme

Duration: Nov 2013–Oct 2015

Project team: Martin Rutzinger, Nadine Houbé, Steffi Insinsky

Tourists take decisions about their holidays more and more spontaneously. At the same time, tourism statistics and market research, which form the basis for investment in tourism, are being gathered in much longer intervals (annually – e.g. the Deutsche Reiseanalyse, or biannually – e.g. Tourismus Monitor Austria). These statistics and market research typically are used to develop multiannual ‘tourism strategies’. The challenge for the tourist industry is thus to deal proactively with the increasing immediacy in the decision-making behaviour of tourists. New methods for optimizing the use of (often public) funds are urgently needed to enable the tourist industry to handle the changing travelling, decision-making and purchasing behaviour of tourists proactively.

Within the insightTourism project, the IGF looks at automated analyses of crowd sourced information, extracted for instance from web 2.0 and social media applications. The focus will be on spatio-temporal analyses and on developing Geovisual Analytics tools further.