Funding: 13th Austrian Space Applications Program (ASAP) of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)

Duration: 2017–2019

Project team: Martin Rutzinger, Magnus Bremer

Homepage 4D-ForMat

The project 4D FORest moisture MApping Based on multi-Temporal earth observation signatures has been granted by the Austrian Space Applications Programm (ASAP) of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG).  The aim of the 2.5 year project 4D-FORMAT is to develop an area-wide applicable mapping product for forest soil moisture conditions considering species compositions. The mapping products will combine microwave remote sensing data (Sentinel-1) with multispectral data (Sentinel-2) and will additionally integrate high resolution digital surface models from airborne laser scanning and photogrammetry in order to define homogeneous forest topographic units for multi-temporal analysis. The latter will allow an innovative object-based analysis on homogeneous forest units addressing the forest structure and topography in relation to moisture and species composition.