Andreas Haller, PhD

T +43 512 507 49432

Key research areas

landscape perception, land use change, applied geography, regional geography (European Alps, central Andes)

Selected functions

Selected Projects

Selected publications



  • Haller, A. (2023). Reseña de "The Spatial and Economic Transformation of Mountain Regions. Landscapes as Commodities" de Manfred Perlik. Espacio Y Desarollo, 38, 61-64.
  • Branca, D., Haller, A., & Mossa, M. (2023). From the mountains to the sea: The Tepilora Natural Regional Park, Sardinia. Eco.mont, 15, 28-34.
  • Sarmiento, F., Haller, A., Marchant, C., Yoshida, M., Leigh, D., Woosnam, K., et al. (2023). 4D Global Montology: toward convergent and transdisciplinary mountain sciences across time and space. Pirineos, 178, e075.
  • Sarmiento, F., Haller, A., Branca, D., Aguirre, C., Kremsa, V., Marchant, C., & Yoshida, M. (2023). Socioecological gradients: contesting traditional ecoclines to explain the high biocultural diversity of the Andean verdant. In R. Myster (Ed.), Neotropical gradients and their analysis (pp. 451–459).
  • Haller, A., & Branca, D. (2023). Urbanization and the Verticality of Rural–Urban Linkages in Mountains. In F. O. Sarmiento (Ed.), Montology Palimpsest. A Primer of Mountain Geographies (pp. 133-148).
  • Haller, A., Branca, D., & Cano, D. (2023). Between plaza and peak: a montological perspective on verticality and urbanization in highland Peru. Journal Of Mountain Science, 20, 2783–2803.
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  • Branca, D., & Haller, A. (2022). “Prima che si urbanizzi” – Conservazione, urbanizzazione e turistificazione a Cusco. In T. Boos & Salvucci, D. (Eds.), Cultures in Mountain Areas: Comparative Perspectives / Culture in aree di montagna: prospettive comparative / Kulturen in Gebirgsregionen: Vergleichende Perspektiven (pp. 89–122).
  • Haller, A., & Branca, D. (2022). La urbanización y la verticalidad de los vínculos rurales-urbanos en las montañas. Revista Kawsaypacha: Sociedad Y Medio Ambiente, A-011.
  • Braun, V., & Haller, A. (2022). Entstehungsverläufe von Naturparks am Beispiel Tirols in den österreichischen Alpen. Histoire Des Alpes, 2022/27, 97-112.
  • Haller, A. (2022). The Spatial and Economic Transformation of Mountain Regions. Landscapes as Commodities. Mitteilungen Der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 163, 485-486.
  • Bardy-Durchhalter, M., Bender, O., Bertolotti, G., Branca, D., Braun, V., Bohleber, P., et al. (2022). Joint Endeavor Toward Sustainable Mountain Development: Research at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Mountain Research And Development, 42, P1-P4.
  • Branca, D., & Haller, A. (2022). Verticalidad, urbanización y turistificación en los Andes: el caso de Huaraz, Perú. Ambiente, Comportamiento Y Sociedad, 4, 1-31.
  • Haller, A., & Branca, D. (2022). More than Landscape: Toward Cosmophanic Diversity in Environmental Planning and Governance. Soc. Nat. Resour., 35, 1123-1133.
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  • Haller, A. (2021). Theory of Mountainurbanology. By Guangyu Huang. Mountain Research And Development, 41, M2-M3.
  • Branca, D., Haller, A., Blanco-Gallegos, B., & Alanoca-Alanoca-Arocutipa, V. (2021). Mediating mind-sets: the Cerro Khapía Landscape Reserve in the Peruvian Andes. Eco.mont, 13, 52-57.
  • Haller, A., & Borsdorf, A. (2021). Montología urbana: ciudades de montaña como enfoque de investigación transdisciplinaria. Cuadernos De Geografía: Revista Colombiana De Geografía, 30, 509–523.
  • Branca, D., & Haller, A. (2021). Urbanization, touristification and verticality in the Andes: a profile of Huaraz, Peru. Sustainability, 13, 6438.
  • Polderman, A., Haller, A., Pellegrini, C., Viesi, D., Tabin, X., Cervigni, C., et al. (Eds.). (2021). Smart Altitude: A low-carbon, high-impact and resilient future for Alpine winter tourism territories. Smart Altitude/Interreg Alpine Space.
  • Branca, D., & Haller, A. (2021). Cusco: profile of an Andean city. Cities, 113, 103169.
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  • Schirpke, U., Scolozzi, R., Dean, G., Haller, A., Jäger, H., Kister, J., et al. (2020). Cultural ecosystem services in mountain regions: conceptualising conflicts among users and limitations of use. Ecosystem Services, 46, 101210.
  • Haller, A., & Branca, D. (2020). Montología: una perspectiva de montaña hacia la investigación transdisciplinaria y el desarrollo sustentable. Revista De Investigaciones Altoandinas – Journal Of High Andean Research, 22, 313–322.
  • Escobar-Mamani, F., Branca, D., & Haller, A. (2020). Investigación de montaña sobre y para la región andina. Revista De Investigaciones Altoandinas – Journal Of High Andean Research, 22, 311-312.
  • Polderman, A., Haller, A., Viesi, D., Tabin, X., Sala, S., Giorgi, A., et al. (2020). How Can Ski Resorts Get Smart? Transdisciplinary Approaches to Sustainable Winter Tourism in the European Alps. Sustainability, 12, 5593.
  • Bender, O., & Haller, A. (2020). Der sozioökonomische Strukturwandel in den Alpen. In J. L. Lozán, Breckle, S. -W., Escher-Vetter, H., Graßl, H., Kasang, D., Paul, F., & Schickhoff, U. (Eds.), Warnsignal Klima: Hochgebirge im Wandel (pp. 284–290).
  • Borsdorf, A., & Haller, A. (2020). Urban montology: mountain cities as transdisciplinary research object. In F. Sarmiento & Frolich, L. (Eds.), The Elgar companion to geography, transdisciplinarity and sustainability (pp. 140–154).
  • Haller, A., Andexlinger, W., & Bender, O. (2020). City profile: Innsbruck. Cities, 97, 1-10.
  • Polderman, A., Vurunić, S., Houbé, N., Bender, O., & Haller, A. (2020). WebGIS for communicating Alpine ecosystem services: stakeholder engagement in Slovenian protected areas. Eco.mont - Journal On Protected Mountain Areas Research And Management, 12, 55-59.
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  • Bender, O., & Haller, A. (2019). Der Generationentransfer landwirtschaftlichen Besitzes – Entwicklung und Auswirkungen am Beispiel des Alpenraums mit seinen Vorländern. In O. Bender, Kanitscheider, S., & Ruso, B. (Eds.), Generationentransfer – Weitergabe von Dingen und Informationen in Natur und Kultur (pp. 157-179).
  • Borsdorf, A., Bender, O., & Haller, A. (2019). Urbanisierungs-, Suburbanisierungs- und Postsuburbanisierungsprozesse. In W. Nell & Weiland, M. (Eds.), Dorf – Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch (pp. 137–143).
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  • Haller, A. (2018). Spell of the Urubamba: anthropogeographical essays on an Andean valley in space and time. Mountain Research And Development, 38, 96-97.
  • Braun, V., Bendler, G., Haller, A., & Heinrich, K. (2018). Timelines of Tension: Trajectories of Protected-Area Creation in the Austrian Alps. Journal Of Alpine Research | Revue De Géographie Alpine, 106, 1-20.
  • Braun, V., Bendler, G., Haller, A., & Heinrich, K. (2018). Pfade der Spannungen: Entstehungsverläufe von Schutzgebieten in den österreichischen Alpen. Journal Of Alpine Research | Revue De Géographie Alpine, 106, 1-20.
  • Cano, D., & Haller, A. (2018). Los servicios ecosistémicos hidrológicos: entre la urbanización y el cambio climático. Percepción campesina y experta en la subcuenca del río Shullcas, Perú. Espacio Y Desarrollo, 31, 7-32.
  • Haller, A., & Bender, O. (2018). Among rewilding mountains: grassland conservation and abandoned settlements in the Northern Apennines. Landscape Research, 43, 1068–1084.
  • Haller, A., & Córdova-Aguilar, H. (2018). Urbanization and the advent of regional conservation: Huancayo and the Cordillera Huaytapallana, Peru. Eco.mont, 10, 59 - 63.
  • Bender, O., & Haller, A. (2018). Die Entwicklung der ländlichen Kulturlandschaft im bayerischen Alpengebiet. Geographische Rundschau, 70, 12-16.
  • Hora, B., Marchant, C., Haller, A., & Borsdorf, A. (2017). Raumstruktur, regionale Disparitäten und Bevölkerung. In T. Fischer, Klengel, S., & Pastrana, E. (Eds.), Kolumbien heute. Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur (pp. 59–76).
  • Haller, A. (2017). Urbanites, smallholders, and the quest for empathy: prospects for collaborative planning in the periurban Shullcas Valley, Peru. Landscape And Urban Planning, 165, 220–230.
  • Bender, O., & Haller, A. (2017). The cultural embeddedness of population mobility in the Alps: Consequences for sustainable development. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift/Norwegian Journal Of Geography, 71, 132–145.
  • Haller, A. (2017). Los impactos del crecimiento urbano en los campesinos andinos. Un estudio de percepción en la zona rural-urbana de Huancayo, Perú. Espacio Y Desarrollo, 29, 37-56.
  • Hidalgo, R., Santana Rivas, L. D., Haller, A., & Borsdorf, A. (2017). Dystopian utopia between mountain and the sea? Second-home production along the Coastal Cordillera of Central Chile 1992-2012. Die Erde, 27-38.
  • Haller, A. (2017). Entender el mundo: un coloquio geográfico en Innsbruck, Austria. Geografía Y Sistemas De Información Geográfica, 9, 1-3.
  • Haller, A. (2016). Urbane Siedlungsentwicklung im Umland alpiner Zentren am Beispiel Innsbruck. In K. SCHARR & STEINICKE, E. (Eds.), Alpen-Kaukasus. Natur- und Kulturraum im Vergleich. Ergebnisse der internationalen Sommerschule Innsbruck 2015 (pp. 71–84).
  • Haller, A. (2016). Phasen der Siedlungsentwicklung von Popayán. Eine kolumbianische Andenstadt zwischen Polarisierung und Fragmentierung. In Innsbrucker Studienkreis für Geographie (Ed.), Die Welt verstehen – eine geographische Herausforderung. Eine Festschrift der Geographie Innsbruck für Axel Borsdorf (pp. 289–306).
  • Haller, A. (2016). Impacts of urbanization in Andean Latin America: changing landscapes in the Mantaro Valley of Peru. Universität Innsbruck. Retrieved de
  • Haller, A., & Meza, M. B. (2016). Artisans of the Andes: an economic and social success. In S. WYMANN VON DACH, BACHMANN, F., BORSDORF, A., KOHLER, T., JUREK, M., & SHARMA, E. (Eds.), Investing in sustainable mountain development: Opportunities, resources and benefits (pp. 26–27).
  • Buzai, G. D., Haller, A., & Ruiz Peyré, F. (2016). Análisis de la estructura espacial educativa en Tirol (Austria-Italia). Una aproximación basada en la exploración cuantitativa de datos espaciales. Geografía Y Sistemas De Información Geográfica, 8, 248–262.
  • Buzai, G. D., Haller, A., & Ruiz Peyré, F. (2016). Análisis de la estructura espacial educativa en Tirol (Austria-Italia). Una aproximación basada en la exploración cuantitativa de datos espaciales. Geografía Y Sistemas De Información Geográfica, 8, 248–262.
  • Borsdorf, A., Bender, O., Braun, F., & Haller, A. (2015). Web-based instruments for strengthening sustainable regional development in the Alps. Acta Geographica Slovenica, 55, 173–182.
  • Haller, A., & Einsiedler, F. (2015). Development of a participatory method for capturing preferences of Andean smallholders regarding urbanization. Mountain Research And Development, 35, 123-133.
  • Haller, A., & Bender, O. (2015). Abandoned altitudes? Decrease and expansion of grassland in the hinterland of Popayán, Southern Colombian Andes. Journal Of Mountain Science, 12, 123-133.
  • Haller, A. (2014). Gade, D.W. (2011): Curiosity, Inquiry and the Geographical Imagination. Peter Lang, New York. Geographica Helvetica, 69, 59-61.
  • Haller, A. (2014). The "sowing of concrete": Peri-urban smallholder perceptions of rural–urban land change in the Central Peruvian Andes. Land Use Policy, 38, 239-247.
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