Univ.-Prof. Dr.

Stefan Schmidl

(+43 1) 51581 – 3715


    ... holds a doctorate from the University of Vienna. He is appointed professor for musicology at the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna (MUK). There he is deputy director of the Centre for Science and Research and heads the competence centre Film | Film Music. He also serves as a member of the Senate. At MUK he is currently leading the project „Austro-German Melodrama and Its Film Music“ (FWF 34466).

    At the ACDH-CH, Stefan Schmidl is part of the Department of Musicology. He is working on the history of cinematic reception of cultural heritage, including a project on the film music of Johannes Fehring. Results of this work have appeared in numerous monographs. Furthermore, he is editor of the series Filmmusik in historisch-kritischen Editionen.

    Full CV



    • Schmidl, Stefan (26.07.2006) There´s something about Leonardo: From science of the enigmatic to puzzling cinema. Cinetext.
    • Schmidl, Stefan (01.07.2006) The film music of Herbert Windt. Filmscore Monthly, S. 4.
    • Schmidl, Stefan (2006) Im serialen Ereignisstrom. Paul Kammerer als Wissenschaftler, Musiktheoretiker und Komponist. Die Tonkunst online, Bd. 0606 (1. Juni 2006), S. 10.
    • Schmidl, Stefan Pathosformeln des Melancholischen. Chopins mediale Repräsentationen. In: Boguslaw Dybas, Theophil Antonicek (Hrsg.), Chopin und Wien (Chopin und Wien); Wien.
    • Schmidl, Stefan; Preisinger, Alexander Musikalische Kollektivsymbole und Kontexte. Nationalitäten und musiktheatralische Symbolbestände in der Operette Österreich-Ungarns 1860-1918. In: Bachir-Loopuyt, Talia; Iglesias, Sara; Langenbruch, Anna; Nieden, Gesa zur (Hrsg.), Musik - Kontext - Wissenschaft. Interdisziplinäre Forschung zu Musik; Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

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