PD Dr.

Robert Klugseder

(+43 1) 515 81 – 3707


… studied music education, musicology and Catholic theology in Passau and Regensburg. Research assistant at the Institute of Musicology at the University of Regensburg, where he graduated in 2002 and received his doctoral degree in 2007. Habilitation at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz in 2013, obtaining the venia legendi for music history.

Further training as a digital humanities expert at the Centre for Information Modelling at the University of Graz and the Edirom Summer Schools Detmold/Paderborn. Since 2009 lecturer at the University of Vienna. Further lectureships at the Universities of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG) and Vienna (MDW), at the Institute of History at the University of Regensburg, and at the Department of Archives and Libraries at the University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration in Bavaria.

Since 2008 staff member at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. As a Senior Research Associate at the Department of Musicology, he heads various third-party funded projects on digital musicology. Klugseder’s research focuses on medieval chant and liturgy and the edition of sources for monastic historiography with the aid of digital and AI-supported methods and tools. He is the founder and editor of the web platforms Cantus planus and Bruckner online, as well as the new Werkverzeichnis Anton Bruckner. Additionally, he serves as the budget officer and organizer of the department’s concerts and events. He is Transkribus representative of the OeAW, and Transkribus ambassador of the Read-Coop SCE.

Full CV


  • Klugseder, Robert (2024) Die Auswirkungen des Österreichischen Erbfolgekriegs auf Niederbayern zwischen Donau, Inn und Isar. Vilshofener Jahrbuch, Bd. 32, S. 0.
  • Robert Klugseder, unter inhaltlicher Mitarbeit von Clemens Gubsch und Desiree Mayer (Hrsg.) (2024) Werkverzeichnis Anton Bruckner. Wien: Hollitzer (1206 Seiten).
  • Klugseder, Robert (2023) Abt Bartholomäus Madauer von Aldersbach: Gelehrter, Klosterbauherr und Häretiker zur Zeit der Glaubensspaltung. Vilshofener Jahrbuch, Bd. 31, S. 99-123.
  • Klugseder, Robert; Pietrusky, Ulrich (2023) Neues zum Verbleib der Aldersbacher Klosterbibliothek nach der Säkularisation im Frühjahr 1803. Jahrbuch für Buch- und Bibliotheksgeschichte (2023), S. 105-120.
  • Klugseder, Robert (2023) Das vierbändige „Riesen-Antiphonar“ Vorau 259: Salzburg-Vorauer Liturgie in prachtvoll illuminierten Chorbüchern aus Prag. In: Klugseder, Robert; Kalechyts, Antanina (Hrsg.), Choralforschung zu Handschriften aus Klosterneuburg, Vorau, St. Florian; Wien: Verlag der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, S. 170-207.
  • Klugseder, Robert; Kalechyts, Antanina (2023) Choralforschung zu Handschriften aus Klosterneuburg, Vorau, St. Florian. In Reihe: Wiener Beiträge zu Orgel und Kirchenmusik, hrsg. v. Ebenbauer, Johannes und Schuen, Manuel; Wien: Verlag der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien.

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