Katharina Bamer

(+43 1) 51581 – 3709


… received her Bachelor´s Degree in History from the University of Vienna in 2018, where she is currently working on two Master´s Degree programmes in Contemporary History and Media and History.

At the ACDH-CH, Katharina Bamer is part of the Department of Musicology. She is currently working on the development of a digital scholarly edition of Eduard Hanslick’s critics in the Neue Freie Presse (1864-1904). The project Eduard Hanslick´s Criticism Between Aesthetics, Journalism, an Scholarship aims to create a open-access digital edition of the critics and works of Eduard Hanslick and is led by Alexander Wilfing.

Full CV


  • Wilfing, Alexander; Bamer, Katharina; Pfiel, Anna-Maria; Elsner, Daniel (2023) Eduard Hanslick, Schriften für die "Neue Freie Presse", 1864–1904 [digital edition, including TEI markup; 280 items as of May 16, 2024].

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  • Wilfing, Alexander; Bamer, Katharina; Pfiel, Anna-Maria (26.09.2024) Hanslick Online: Fortschritt und Entwicklung. Vortrag bei: „Research Lunch“ Reihe des Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage, Wien/AUSTRIA.

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