Canan Arıkan-Caba



... is a research infrastructure officer within the research unit DH Research & Infrastructure and is a member of the project ATRIUM (Advancing FronTier Research In the Arts and hUManities)

Currently she is doctoral candidate at the Institute of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies of the University of Vienna Her ongoing dissertation project focuses on the Greek epigraphic evidence of building activies of clerics in the Early Byzantine Period for which she applies information technologies as a research method to create a digital inscription database. She completed her BA in Classical Philology at Akdeniz University (Antalya), and MA in Archaeology and History of Art at Koç University (Istanbul). Her research interests broadly include Ancient and Medieval Greek epigraphy, writing culture as well as digital epigraphy and digital manuscript studies.

Before joining ACDH-CH she worked as a Praedoc in the FWF project “Sunday Observance in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages” and completed an internship at ACDH-CH within the project of The Expositiones in Psalmos which is a ciritical digital edition of Athanasius of Alexandreia where she contibuted in the digital edition of Vat. gr. 754.


Arıkan-Caba, Canan. "Letter from Heaven – Greek Recension Alpha." In The Apocryphal Sunday: History and Texts from Late Antiquity, edited by U. Heil, 291-327. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2023.


Arıkan, Canan, and A. Rhoby. "The Church of Saints Sergios and Bakchos." In Materials for the Study of Late Antique and Medieval Greek and Latin Inscriptions in Istanbul: A Revised and Expanded Booklet, edited by I. Toth and A. Rhoby, 23-27. Oxford and Vienna, 2020.


Arıkan, Canan. "Bursa Müzesi'nden Yeni Bir Yazıtlı Vaftiz Teknesi." In Eski Çağ Yazıları, edited by A. Vedat Çelgin, Hüseyin Uzunoğlu, Yadigâr Doğan, and Fatma Avcu, 201-216. Akron, 2017.


ARIKAN (ONUR), Canan. “Epigraphic Research Around Juliopolis III: Roman and Byzantine Inscriptions from Doğandere and Juliopolis”. Gephyra 11, May (May 2014): 101-13.


Arıkan, Canan. "Lykia’da Erken Bizans Devrine ait bir Define: Korydalla Hazinesi." In Eskiçağ Yazıları 3, edited by N.E. Akyürek Şahin, B. Takmer, and F. Onur, 129-186. İstanbul, 2012.