Mag. Dr.

Peter Andorfer

(+43 1) 51581 – 2297


... is a senior research software engineer, leading the Text Technology & Publishing team in the research unit DH Research & Infrastructure. He is primarily responsible for building and continually developing workflows and tools for publishing sustainable and up-to-date digital editions.

He studied History and German Philology and recieved his doctorate in 2015 at Universität Innsbruck, focussing on Austrian History.


  • Untner, Laura, and Peter Andorfer. 2024. Using GitHub for digital editions. From Transkribus to static websites. Lissabon. doi:10.5281/zenodo.11609624.
  • Andorfer, Peter, Martin Anton Müller, and Laura Untner. 2024. Arthur Schnitzler: Mikroverfilmung des Cambridger Nachlasses. Wien.
  • Müller, Martin Anton, Laura Untner, Michael Mangel, and Peter Andorfer. 2023. Clara Katharina Pollaczek – Arthur Schnitzler und ich. Wien.
  • Aspöck, E., G. Hiebel, K. Kopetzky, M. Ďurčo, P. Andorfer, M. Trognitz, K. Burkhart, et al. 2022. Tell el-Daba (Egypt) documentation archive [Data set].
  • Müller, Martin Anton, Laura Puntigam, Peter Andorfer, and Laura Untner. 2022. Aufenthaltsorte von Arthur Schnitzler (1879–1931). Wien.
  • Aspöck, E. 2022. Digitizing Early Farming Cultures (DEFC) [Data set].