Language recordings from the Phonogrammarchiv as the basis of electro-acoustic compositions

Contact: Christian Huber


In a cooperation of Austrian composer Katharina Klement (teaching at the Department of Composition, Electroacoustics and Tonmeister Education, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna) and linguist Christian Huber (Phonogrammarchiv), selected excerpts from language recordings from the Phonogrammarchiv's holdings will turn into music:


Based of these sonic materials, students of the seminar Elektro-Acoustic Music (directed by K. Klement) in the university programme Computer Music and Electronic Media at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna will create electro-acoustic compositions. The audio samples of altogether 130 languages or varieties, respectively, come from research recordings that were made between 1903 and 2009.

The resulting pieces will be premiered at the final concerts of the course on June 22nd and 23rd in the Halle Steinergasse 8, 1170 Wien.