In the following, you will learn what personal data are processed for what purpose by the Phonogrammarchiv of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW). Moreover, we will inform you about your rights in connection with the processing of your data.

Legal basis for processing your personal data

The legal basis for processing the data of people recorded in audio or video recordings is either the user agreement with the person recorded (Art 6 par 1 lit b General Data Protection Regulation “GDPR”) or the consent of the person recorded (Art 6 par 1 lit a GDPR) and – in the case of processing special categories of data – also the consent of the person recorded (Art 9 par 2 lit a GDPR). The legal basis for processing personal data may also be a public or legitimate interest of the ÖAW in archiving purposes lying in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes (Art 6 par 1 lit e and f GDPR, § 2f Forschungsorganisationsgesetz [Austrian Research Organization Act] “FOG” and in the case of processing special categories of data Art 9 par 2 lit j GDPR, § 2f FOG). 

The legal basis for processing the data of people mentioned in recordings is a public or legitimate interest of the ÖAW in archiving purposes lying in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes (Art 6 par 1 lit e, f GDPR, § 2f FOG, and for processing special categories of data Art 9 par 2 lit j GDPR, § 2f FOG).

The legal basis for processing the data of depositors is the user agreement with the depositor (Art 6 par 1 lit a GDPR). Personal data may also be processed if a public or legitimate interest in archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes of the ÖAW exists (Art 6 par 1 lit e and f GDPR, § 2f FOG).

The legal basis for processing the data of users of the data holdings of the Phonogrammarchiv is the agreement made with the user (Art 6 par 1 lit b GDPR) or a legitimate interest of the ÖAW regarding the proper administration of use (Art 6 par 1 lit f GDPR).

Purpose of processing your personal data

We process the personal data of people recorded, of people mentioned in recordings and of depositors for scientific research purposes.

The personal data of users are processed for the execution and/or handling of the respective user agreement.

Types of data

Concerning people recorded, only data collected in the course of the recording will be stored. Concerning people mentioned in recordings, only data mentioned by the person recorded in the recording will be stored. Concerning depositors, only data provided by them will be stored. Concerning users, only data provided for the user agreement or in the course of using recordings will be stored.

Transmittal of personal data (possible categories of recipients)

The recipients of the personal data of people recorded, of people mentioned in the recordings and of depositors can be users of the Phonogrammarchiv as well as processors commissioned by the ÖAW.

The personal data of users will not be transmitted to third parties without their consent.

Storage period of your data

We store the data of people recorded, of people mentioned in recordings as well as of depositors and users as long as there exist scientific research purposes concerning these data, where appropriate permanently.

Your rights

Affected persons have the right to information about personal data relating to them as well as the right to correction or deletion or restriction of processing, a right to object the processing and the right to data portability. In addition, you have a right of appeal at the data protection authority in Austria or in another EU country. The ÖAW-Data Protection officers can be reached at datenschutz(at) resp. more information on data protection are available on Data Protection (