
Strobl24 - A successful conference

Every two years a conference on harmonic analysis attracts mathematicians to gather at St. Wolfgangsee.

Participants of the Strobl24 conference © Daniel Haider, ARI/OeAW

The conference “Strobl24 - More on Harmonic Analysis”, took place from 9th to 15th June 2024 at the Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung in St. Wolfgang in the Salzkammergut, the location since its inception in 2007.

The conference attracted 120 international scientists from over twenty countries and was fully booked. It was organized by the Acoustics Research Institute (ARI) of the OeAW, the Numerical Harmonic Analysis Group of the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna and CeDAR, University of California.

It is mainly a mathematical conference with the central theme of harmonic analysis. Topics include function spaces, time-frequency analysis and Gabor analysis, frame theory, sampling theory and compressed sensing, pseudodifferential operators and Fourier integral operators, numerical harmonic analysis, abstract harmonic analysis, and applications of harmonic analysis.

The invited guests for the five plenary talks this year were Afonso S. Bandeira and Helmut Bölcskei, both at ETH Zurich, Marcin Bownik, University of Oregon, and Anna Gilbert, Yale University as well as Daniel Potts, TU Chemnitz. The program of the conference included 32 talks as well as 67 poster presentations separated in three open-air poster sessions. The prizes for best posters were awarded to Markus Faulhuber and Riya Gosh (1st prize), Kseniya Akhalaya (2nd prize) and Tim Pöschl und Rohan Joy (3rd prize).

Link to the conference website.
A report of the conference by participants of the TU Chemnitz can be found here (in German).