The following successfully completed projects are currently in the drafting or writing stage and will be published in one of the series of the Department of Historical Archaeology at the ÖAI.


Aigeira: The historic fortifications

New excavations at the historic fortifications of Aigeira as part of an FWF project have shown that they were built around the middle of the 3rd century BC. Later expansions show a change in the concept of defense. The Roman conquest of Greece led to their abandonment in the middle of the 2nd century BC. In this publication, the history of the city walls of Aigeira are presented in their topographical and historical context with regard to the concepts of defense in late Hellenistic Greece.

Responsible: Alexander Sokolicek | Federica Iannone
Series: Arete. Publikationen des ÖAI Athen

Aigeira: Research in the Acropolis Area 2011–2016

With its long history of use, lasting with interruptions from the Chalcolithic period to the Middle Ages, the acropolis of Aigeira is one of the most important sites in the Achaian landscape. The aim of this volume is to pick out particularly interesting aspects of the find material from the historical acropolis and to outline its use during this period.

Responsible: Walter Gauß
Series: Arete. Publikationen des ÖAI Athen

Stratigraphy and Finds of the Late Bronze Age Fortification Wall and the 'Lower Town' at the Saddle of Aigeira

The archaeological investigations carried out between 2011 and 2016 on the southern and eastern slopes of the acropolis prove the special importance that Aigeira had in the Late Bronze Age. This is shown in particular by the construction of a fortification wall and by the existence of a probably extensive settlement on the terraces located directly below the acropolis.

Responsible: Walter Gauß
Series: Arete. Publikationen des ÖAI Athen

Aigeira: The Geometric and Early Archaic Pottery from the Acropolis

The publication in preparation deals with the Geometric and Early Archaic pottery from the Acropolis and the terraces immediately below. The ceramic finds provide important information on the dating of the repopulation of Aigeira in the Geometric period, on Aigeira's trade relations, on the use of the Acropolis and on cult practices.

Responsible: Florian Ruppenstein
Series: Arete. Publikationen des ÖAI Athen

Ephesos in spätarchaischer Zeit: Siedlungsbefunde vom Panayirdaǧ

The settlement history and material culture of Ephesos in the second half of the 6th century BC were hardly known until now. The excavations on the north-eastern terrace of the Panayırdaǧ filled this gap for the first time. The main evidence is provided by the pottery, whose development can be traced on the basis of stratified contexts. The complex settlement structure of Late Archaic Ephesos is also discussed.

Responsible: Michael Kerschner
Series: Forschungen in Ephesos (FiE)

Ephesos: Das Meterheiligtum am Panayırdağ

This volume will contain the comprehensive and also final presentation of the Ephesian Meter-sanctuary. All relevant topics, from the history of research to the architectural and archaeological evidence to the discussion of the various groups of finds and inscriptions, will be presented by the individual authors.

Responsible: Michael Kerschner
Series: Forschungen in Ephesos (FiE)

Die Obere Agora in Ephesos. Planungs- und Wandlungsprozesse von urbanem Raum

The Upper Agora, the so-called Staatsmarkt, of Ephesos received its urban face between Hellenism and the Early Imperial period. The aim of this volume is to review, update and, above all, extend the chronology of the earlier research carried out by the OeAI between the 1950s and 1990s using building historical and archaeological methods.

Responsible: Thekla Schulz-Brize (Technische Universität Berlin) | Dirk Steuernagel (Universität Regensburg)
Series: Forschungen in Ephesos (FiE)

Das ›Serapeion‹ in Ephesos: Ein Bezirk für die ägyptischen Götter

Although the ›Serapeion‹ precinct with its podium temple and a large temenos is one of the best-preserved temple complexes from the 2nd century AD in Ephesos, its interpretation has still not been clearly clarified. An interdisciplinary team devoted itself to the many facets of the temple, which will be presented here with a new interpretation concept.

Responsible: Sabine Ladstätter | Alexander Sokolicek (Universität Salzburg)
Series: Ergänzungshefte zu den Jahresheften (ErghÖJh)

Das Bühnengebäude des Grossen Theaters von Ephesos

The stage building will be presented as the third and final volume on the most recent building research and archaeological investigations in the Ephesian Great Theatre. Special attention will be given to the Roman stage building with the Flavian scaenae frons, whose dislocated components have been fully analysed by Arzu Öztürk (†).

Responsible: Gudrun Styhler-Aydın
Series: Forschungen in Ephesos (FiE)

Das Magnesische Tor in Ephesos

The Magnesian Gate was part of the Hellenistic city fortifications of Ephesos and the starting point for overland routes to Magnesia on the Meander and to the Kaystros Valley. It was rebuilt several times during the Roman Imperial period, and from c. AD 210 a roofed hall connected the gate to the Artemision. This volume will present all the evidence, finds and contexts of the Magnesian Gate as the final publication on the monument.

Responsible: Alexander Sokolicek (Universität Salzburg)
Series: Forschungen in Ephesos (FiE)

Das Nymphäum des C. Laecanius Bassus in Ephesos

The façade nymphaeum, dated AD 78/79, is a pioneer building whose use is documented into the 5th century. The inscription of honour names the sponsor. Numerous architectural parts and sculptures enable the reconstruction of the building, the ornamentation and the statuary programme as well as the analysis of planning, execution and building practice. The post-excavations yielded new insights into chronology and water technology.

Responsible: Maria Aurenhammer
Series: Forschungen in Ephesos (FiE)

Die Celsusbibliothek von Ephesos: Anastylose und neue Forschungsergebnisse

The anastylosis of the façade of the Celsus Library (inaugurated in 1978) represents a milestone in the history of Austrian research in Ephesos. In this volume, in addition to a detailed description of the building and the justification and documentation of the rebuilding of the façade, the history of the Celsus Library, the façade concept, the building ornamentation and the ancient significance of the building are examined.

Responsible: Friedmund Hueber (Wien) | Volker Michael Strocka (Freiburg)
Series: Forschungen in Ephesos (FiE)

Die Hafennekropole in Ephesos

In the excavation campaigns of 2005 and 2007–2012, a total of ten trenches were made in the harbour-necropolis of Ephesos and extensive surveys were carried out within the necropolis. The publication examines questions concerning the possible previous use of the area, the different phases of use, the destruction, the abandonment, the dimensions and the topographical integration of the necropolis. This is the second volume following the presentation of anthropological-palaeopathological data from the harbour-necropolis.

Responsible: Martin Steskal
Series: Forschungen in Ephesos (FiE)

Hanghaus 2 in Ephesos: Die Wohneinheiten 3 und 5. Baubefund, Ausstattung, Funde

The house, built in the Early Imperial period and occupying the middle half of the terrace of the insula, was later separated. This resulted in the smallest Dwelling Unit 3 (260 m²) and the likewise not large Dwelling Unit 5. Apart from interesting floor plan solutions, both Dwelling Units are distinguished either by exquisite mosaic decoration and lavishly furnished rooms or interesting structural details and wall paintings. This volume completes the presentation of the Dwelling Units of Terrace House 2.

Responsible: Sabine Ladstätter | Alice Waldner
Series: Forschungen in Ephesos (FiE)

Die Pilgerkirche am Hafenkanal von Ephesos: Architektur und Funktion innerhalb der spätantik-christlichen Kulturlandschaft

The results of the building survey of the Late Antique pilgrim sanctuary at Pamucak are presented in this volume. The investigation of this extraordinary building at the mouth of the harbour channel into the sea sheds new light on the development of Ephesos into a Christian pilgrimage centre. In addition to an analysis of the building and its facilities, a classification in the Christian cult landscape of Asia Minor is provided.

Responsible: Katinka Sewing (Universität Heidelberg)
Series: Forschungen in Ephesos (FiE)

Bernsteinobjekte aus dem Artemision von Ephesos

The 659 amber objects to be presented from the Artemision depict one of the most important find complexes from an Early Greek sanctuary, especially since jewellery and small figurines made of amber were exotic objects of high prestige value in the Aegean. The majority of the finds are beads and pendants that were assembled into belts, necklaces and hangings. Two of the groups of finds discovered in the Artemision had been deposited as building sacrifices.

Responsible: Michael Kerschner | Alessandro Naso (Universität Neapel)
Series: Forschungen in Ephesos (FiE)

Perlen und Anhänger aus Glas, Fayence, Stein, Ton und Bein aus dem Artemision von Ephesos

The approximately 1,500 beads and pendants presented here were found in the excavations 1965–1994 in the Artemision of Ephesos. The volume itself is based on a dissertation by Birgit Pulsinger completed in 2003 and is revised and supplemented to reflect the current state of knowledge.

Responsible: Andrea Pülz
Series: Ergänzungshefte zu den Jahresheften (ErghÖJh)

Graue Ware aus Ephesos

Grey Ware is the term used to describe a group of very specific vessels that were produced in Ephesos mainly in the 1st century AD. Within the framework of a dissertation, the entire Ephesian find inventory was reviewed, whereby 5,441 fragments could be identified and 1,128 of them diagnostically evaluated. The volume will answer questions on chronology and typology, on manufacturing technology and functionality, as well as make economic and art-historical evaluations.

Responsible: Thomas Hintermann | Sabine Ladstätter | Alice Waldner
Series: Forschungen in Ephesos (FiE)

Red on white (ROW)-Lamps from Ephesos

Red on white (ROW)-lamps are a group of lamps characterised by a white undercoating and a red slip applied on it, which gives them a bright orange to reddish-brown appearance. From the Tiberian period onwards, this type of lamp became the most commonly used type of lighting in Ephesos, replacing the previously common lamp types. This volume is based on a master’s thesis completed by the author at the University of Vienna in 2022, the aim of which was to define and characterise the ROW-lamps that were widespread up to the 3rd century on the basis of technological features and to create a chronology and typology with motifs and stamps. This volume presents the study in a revised and expanded form.

Responsible: Bettina Schwarz
Series: Ergänzungshefte zu den Jahresheften (ErghÖJh)

Die Sarkophage aus Ephesos

The forthcoming publication is part of the project »Death in Antiquity« and is based on an extensive manuscript on the subject, which was compiled as part of a multi-year project funded by the FWF (headed by M. Aurenhammer). All the sarcophagi discovered in Ephesos and preserved in international museums are presented together with introductory chapters on the individual groups.

Responsible: Doris Bielefeld | Margarete Heinz | Martin Steskal
Series: Forschungen in Ephesos (FiE)

Hisn el-Bab: Life and Death on the Late Antique Frontier of Nubia

The volume will present the results of nine years of excavation and research at the Hisn el-Bab site in southern Upper Egypt on the border between Egypt and Nubia. Here there are fortifications dating from Late Roman times to the Middle Ages that controlled this border region. The site is also characterised by particularly well-preserved organic remains of wood, textiles, human bones and plant remains.

Responsible: Pamela Rose
Series: Sonderschriften des ÖAI (SoSchrÖAI)

Pots in Life and Death at Early Mycenaean Kakovatos: A Science-based Study of the Ceramic Assemblage

The excavations at Kakovatos in 2009–2011 were at the centre of the project to research the Mycenaean minor region of Triphylia in the Western Peloponnese. The pottery from the storerooms of the Early Mycenaean settlement complex and the associated domed tombs form the basis for the first systematic archaeometric analysis of local-regional pottery production and imports from many different regions of the Aegean.

Responsible: Georgia Kordatzaki (British School at Athens) | Evangelia Kiriatzi (British School at Athens) | Birgitta Eder | Jasmin Huber | Hans Mommsen (Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik, Bonn)
Series: Arete. Publikationen des ÖAI Athen

Leontion. Aufstieg und Niedergang einer hellenistischen Kleinstadt im Grenzgebiet zwischen Achaia und Arkadien

The volume presents the results of field research carried out between 2018 and 2023 in the settlement of Kastritsi/Kato Vlasia, identified as center of the polis of Leontion. The focus is on the Hellenistic period, at the beginning of which Leontion was probably (re)founded by Antigonos II. Gonatas and expanded into a fortified small town. Further focal points are the Early Bronze Age and the period of medieval Frankish rule.

Responsible: Oliver Hülden
Series: Sonderschriften des ÖAI (SoSchrÖAI)

Limyra: Studien zur Urbanistik I. Architektursurvey und Spolien der nachantiken Stadtmauern

The townscape of Limyra was subject to numerous changes since its emergence in the early 6th century BC. In addition to an overview of the urban development from the beginnings to the Byzantine period, the volume includes the results of extensive geophysical investigations, an intra-urban architectural survey as well as the documentation and evaluation of the numerous spolia built into the post-antique city walls.

Responsible: Martin Seyer (ed.) | Laurence Cavalier | Émilie Cayre | Inge Uytterhoeven
Series: Forschungen in Limyra (FiLim)

Limyra: Studien zur Urbanistik II. Die Grabung in der Weststadt 2002–2005

This volume presents the results of the excavations carried out in the western lower town of Limyra between 2002 and 2005. This research project made it possible for the first time to obtain stratified data on the history of the Archaic and Classical periods, thus creating a reliable framework for further excavations in this Lycian metropolis. In addition to the stratigraphic results and architectural features, the volume also contains a presentation of the pottery, archaeozoological finds and numismatic material.

Responsible: Martin Seyer (ed.) | Thomas Marksteiner (†) | Andreas Konecny | Jörg Gebauer | Gerhard Forstenpointner | Joachim Gorecki
Series: Forschungen in Limyra (FiLim)

Das Gräberfeld in den Theaterthermen von Limyra

In the course of the excavation of a small thermal complex west of the theatre of Limyra, a burial ground with 61 modern individuals was discovered. The skeletons, most of which date from the 16th and 17th centuries and could be examined anthropologically and palaeopathologically, reveal astonishing insights into the living conditions in Limyra during the Early Modern period.

Responsible: Jan Nováček (Universität Göttingen)
Series: Forschungen in Limyra (FiLim)

Das Ptolemaion von Limyra: Die Bauskulptur

This building, whose interpretation as a ruler’s cult building for the Ptolemaic dynasty is the most probable so far, is distinguished not only by its exceptional architecture but also by the unusual programme and the outstanding quality of its free sculpture and building sculpture. Although the style of the metopes with their depictions of a centauromachy is unique, the dating of the other sculptures suggests that the monument was created in the time of Ptolemy II.

Responsible: Jürgen Borchhardt † | Martin Seyer
Series: Forschungen in Limyra (FiLim)

Das Ptolemaion von Limyra: Die Architektur

Since its excavation, the unusual building has stimulated discussion about its purpose, builder and architect. From over 1,000 individual parts, a reconstruction has succeeded, deciphering the metrology and geometric as well as mathematical nuances of the design concept of the almost 34 m high building, which once stood in the Hellenistic extension of Limyra directly in front of the city wall of the Lycian old town.

Responsible: Günter Stanzl
Series: Forschungen in Limyra (FiLim)

Das öffentliche Zentrum von Lousoi: Funde und Fundkomplexe nachgeometrischer Zeit

The excavations 2000–2010 in the ›public centre‹ of Lousoi uncovered two cult buildings and a Hellenistic hall: the finds of clay, metal, glass and bone as well as five proxenia decrees are presented conclusively in this publication. They allow statements to be made on questions of local pottery production and cult practices from the 5th century BC to the 2nd century AD.

Responsible: Georg Ladstätter | Christa Schauer
Series: Arete. Publikationen des ÖAI Athen

Connectivity and Localism: Architecture, Urban Planning and Social Interaction in Greek Archaic Communities of the Northern Peloponnese, Southern Italy and Sicily

The proceedings of the symposium in 2018 present new results of archaeological building and settlement research on selected archaic monuments and sites in the Northern Peloponnese, Lower Italy and Sicily. The contributions discuss essential innovation processes of the 8th to 6th centuries BC both in their local contexts and in the context of larger transactional worlds.

Responsible: Christoph Baier | Alexander Sokolicek (Universität Salzburg)
Series: Arete. Publikationen des ÖAI Athen

Similarities and Differences in the Urban History and Material Culture of Three Northern Peloponnesian Poleis: Aigeira, Lousoi and Sikyon

The proceedings of the 2017 symposium will give new impetus to polis research for the northern Peloponnese. In addition to detailed studies on essential aspects of material culture, new results of large-scale investigations with overarching questions on urban development and settlement areas will be presented.

Responsible: Walter Gauß | Christoph Baier
Series: Arete. Publikationen des ÖAI Athen

Interpreting the pottery record from Geometric and Archaic sanctuaries in the Northern Peloponnese

25 contributors will present findings from Geometric and Archaic sanctuaries of the Northern Peloponnese and neighbouring regions. The focus is on the analysis of ceramic find complexes in the context of stratigraphy, architecture and in grotto sanctuaries. Special emphasis is placed on the function of miniature vessels and on archaeometric analyses for the localisation of production sites.

Responsible: Michael Kerschner
Series: Arete. Publikationen des ÖAI Athen

Die spätbronzezeitliche Keramik Triphyliens. Produktion, Distribution und Konsumption innerhalb einer Mikroregion

The fieldwork in Kakovatos in 2009–2011 and the processing of the finds from the tombs form the starting point of the project for research on the small region of Triphylia on the west coast of the Peloponnese. The publication and evaluation of the Mycenaean pottery from the settlements of Kleidi, Epitalion and Agios Dimitrios makes it possible to characterise the development of settlement history and regional and supra-regional contacts in a diachronic perspective.

Responsible: Jasmin Huber
Series: Arete. Publikationen des ÖAI Athen

Die südwestliche Nekropole von Virunum: Ergebnisse der Notgrabungen des Bundesdenkmalamtes 2001–2003

The publication project focuses on the scientific evaluation of 180 graves and 31 grave enclosures uncovered during archaeological excavations in the southwest of the Roman town of Virunum on the Zollfeld in Carinthia (Austria). The grave finds show how, parallel to the establishment of Virunum as a municipium Claudium and governor's seat of the province of Noricum during the 1st century AD, a necropolis with funerary monuments of individual family groups developed from a cemetery with simple cremation and inhumation burials.

Responsible: Christoph Hinker
Series: Sonderschriften des ÖAI (SoSchrÖAI)