In this project, coins from every chronological period that have been found in Austria will be documented, defined, and entered into a databank. The definitions of the coins will be published in short form in an annual report. Special complexes of finds will, in addition, be subjected to a scientific evaluation and will be published separately in greater detail.

The numerous coins that are discovered in archaeological excavations not only can provide indications for the chronology of the find context, but also constitute important evidence for the circulation of money at a particular time in a particular region, therefore forming the basis for further research into economic history.

In order to carry out the processing of the coin finds from Austria at a central site, the project »Coin Finds from Austria« has been developed in collaboration with the Federal Monuments Office, the Austrian Research Association for Numismatics, and the Coin Collection of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. The project is housed at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. The undertaking builds on a long-standing research tradition at the OeAW: already in 1971, at the then Numismatic Commission, the project »Coin Finds of the Roman Period in Austria« (FRMÖ), which still exists today, was initiated.

The chronological scope of the current project extends from the Iron Age until the present. The material foundation is composed of coins from current excavations as well as from larger, cohesive coin complexes, for example from regional museums, objects that can be presented for processing by directors of excavations and by museum curators. Furthermore, chance finds of coins should also be considered. In this regard it must be borne in mind that the conveyance of a coin to an employee of this project cannot be equated with an official report of a find. This reporting (compulsory by law) must be carried out separately by the finder (see

Form for found coins

For additional information or for the conveyance of coins, please write to: fundmuenzen(at)


Scientific board

Michael Alram (KHM Vienna)
Martin Baer (University of Vienna)
Hubert Emmerig (University of Vienna)
Bernhard Prokisch (OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH)
Klaus Vondrovec (KHM Vienna)
Bernhard Woytek (OeAW)

Principal investigator
