Tue, 25.06.2024 17:00

But the location of no ruin is more picturesque than that of the two temples of Kom Ombos

Online Lecture

© Salzburg Museum

Lecture Series »Austrian Studies in Egyptian Archaeology« (ASEA)

»But the location of no ruin is more picturesque than that of the two temples of Kom Ombos. Kom Ombo in painting and early photography«

Ernst Czerny | OeAW-OeAI


Situated on the banks of the Nile, the Ptolemaic temple of Kom Ombo remains one of the highlights of any trip to Egypt. The temple has always been a popular subject for painters and photographers because of its easy accessibility and commanding position on the river, and it has been the subject of many paintings since the 18th century. When it was excavated at the end of the 19th century, the temple was opened up for archaeology, but lost its character as a uniquely picturesque ruin.

The area surrounding the temple has been investigated by the Austrian Archaeological Institute Cairo Branch in cooperation with the Ministry of Antiquities and Sciences since 2017, revealing a continuous sequence of building layers up to the beginning of the pharaonic period. The Egyptian-Austrian excavations at Kom Ombo have also re-examined the history of research and documentation at the site.

This lecture will give an overview of the depiction and documentation of the temple and the surrounding landscape in fine art and early photography.





June 25, 2024, 05.00 pm CEST/ 06.00 pm EEST 

online lecture
via zoom
Meeting-ID: 669 5894 3256 | Passcode:Y9i09i


Sigrid Pratsch