
Body Ornaments throughout the Bronze and Early Iron Ages

Workshop | Vienna

Middle Bronze Age figurines (© Museum of Vojvodina, Novi Sad and City Museum Vršac)


»Workshop: Body Ornaments throughout the Bronze and Early Iron Ages«

In this year's edition of our workshop, "UK-Gespräche - 'Get Together' (20th November 2024)," our objective is to provide insights into the recent research on body ornaments throughout the Bronze and Early Iron Age in central and southeast Europe. The findings of jewelry on buried bodies, the iconographic presentation on figurines, and the remains of textile or leather clothing, in most cases, represent relics of funerary or everyday costumes. In addition to the fundamental typo-chronological question regarding short-lived and long-lived elements of costume, we also wish to discuss the symbolic and communicative aspects of body ornaments. We aim to elucidate the role of body ornaments and any potential differences in their use in relation to different burial practices and treatments of the deceased, for instance during the transition from inhumation to cremation. In addition, we intend to examine broad-scale diachronic changes in ornament use throughout the second and early first millennium BC and the technological and raw material (copper, gold, amber) background, if possible. The one-day program will commence with a keynote lecture by Karina Grömer (Natural History Museum Vienna) and continue with talks on the different regional and chronological characteristics of body ornaments. The event will conclude with our traditional joint dinner.



20. November 2024 

Otto-Wagner Postsparkasse, Georg-Coch-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna, Seminar Room 1, 3. floor


Sigrid Pratsch

