What would be the consequences of a long-lasting large area internet outage for infrastructures and society in Austria?

Today, a lot of communication channels are routed via the internet, services are offered online and applications are only working with access to the internet. What happens if the link to the net is unavailable or at least unreliable? Will Austria come to an immediate stop? Can and should we be prepared for a situation like this? How would this impact the work of the National Crisis- and Catastrophe-Management?

In our private day-to-day life almost all communication uses the internet. A lot of B2B communication is transmitted via the internet as well. An increasing number of applications is hosted in remote data centres instead of local servers. Data is stored in the cloud. Sites and headquarters, production facilities, web shops and logistics, they are all linked via the internet.

The internet has become a critical infrastructure for our society. Due to its network structure, it seems relatively crisis-proof; there have rarely been any long-lasting, large-scale failures so far. This gives the impression of a certain reliability, which has led to more and more connections via the internet. Redundancies or leased lines were often abandoned in favour of increased efficiency. This created a dependence on this network. The consequences of a long-lasting, large-scale unreliability or even a total outage are currently difficult to assess and are being investigated in the new security research project "ISIDOR – Consequences of a long-lasting and large-scale failure of internet-based services and infrastructures" by the Institute of Technology Assessment (ITA) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) together with the other project partners.

In contrast to studies from the perspective of cybersecurity, which often focus on the period before the occurrence of a damaging event, ISIDOR looks at the period starting after such an event, and therefore deals with the topic in the context of cyber resilience. The aim is to explore which interdependencies and cascading effects one would have to expect in the event of an incident: What happens if all emergency plans are put into effect simultaneously? Will there be supply bottlenecks, and if so, when? In addition, the project tries to answer how the National Crisis- and Catastrophe-Management can prepare for such a situation.



  • Schachenhofer, L., Gronalt, M., Krieger-Lamina, J., Pisecky, H., Konicar, G., Hartwig, L. -H., et al. (2022). ISIDOR - Folgen einer langandauernden und großflächigen Einschränkung der internetbasierten Dienste und Infrastrukturen (Endbericht) (p. 144). Wien. doi:/10.1553/ITA-pb-2022-04
  • Krieger-Lamina, J., & Schachenhofer, L. (2022). Was geht (nicht) ohne Internet? Fact Sheet zum Projekt ISIDOR. Wien. Retrieved from https://epub.oeaw.ac.at/0xc1aa5576_0x003eb003.pdf
  • EPTA [Hrsg.],. (2022). Disruption in Society - TA to the rescue! EPTA Report 2022 (p. 88). Brussels. Retrieved from https://www.parlament.cat/document/composicio/394503200.pdf
  • Riedlinger, D. (2022). Was geht ohne Internet?. Ita-Newsfeed. Retrieved from https://www.oeaw.ac.at/ita/detail/news/default-e594307514
  • Riedlinger, D. (2020). ISIDOR - Was geht ohne Internet?. Ita-Newsfeed. Retrieved from https://www.oeaw.ac.at/ita/projekte/isidor-was-geht-ohne-internet
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Conference Papers/Speeches

Conference Papers/Speeches

  • 01/02/2023 , Wien
    Jaro Krieger-Lamina: 
    Stromausfall und Internetausfall
    Young Science Botschafter
    Other Invited Lecture
  • 17/10/2022 , Berlin
    Jaro Krieger-Lamina: 
    Bericht über TA-Projekte „Blackout Vermeidung in Österreich“ und „Folgen eines Internetausfalls in Österreich“ (Statement am Podium)
    Disruption in society – TA to the rescue?, EPTA-Konferenz 2022
    Other Invited Lecture
  • 14/10/2022 , Innsbruck
    Jaro Krieger-Lamina,  Gregor Konicar: 
    Was geht ohne Internet?
    Desaster Research Days
    Other Lecture
  • 15/09/2022 , Linz
    Jaro Krieger-Lamina: 
    Was geht ohne Internet?
    Other Lecture
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09/2020 - 08/2022

Project team

  • Walter Peissl


The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism (BMLRT) as part of the KIRAS safety research funding program.
