Ferdinand von Hochstetter


Pilot project for the edition of Ferdinand von Hochstetter's Novara research diaries held by the OeAW

The aim of this pilot project is to prepare a historical-critical edition of the unpublished research diaries written by the geologist Ferdinand von Hochstetter (1829–1884) as one of the two participants sent by the Imperial Academy of Sciences in Vienna on the round-the-world voyage of the Novara in 1857. Within this project, one of the six Novara diaries acquired by the OeAW in 2008 will be transcribed and contextualised with the help of international and Vienna-based experts in the field.

Team:  Margit Berner, NHM; Reinhard Blumauer, Weltmuseum; Sylvia Budde-Manhart, OeAW; Sabine Eggers, NHM; Johannes Feichtinger, OeAW; Stefanie Jovanovic-Kruspel, NHM; Mathias Harzhauser, NHM; Martin Krenn, NHM; Johannes Mattes, OeAW; Brigitte Mazohl, OeAW; Eduard Wexberg

Cooperations: Archive for the History of Science, Natural History Museum Vienna; Commission for the History and Philosophy of Science of the OeAW (Chair: Helmut Denk); Commission for Earth Sciences of the ÖAW (Chairs: Christian Köberl); Mathias Harzhauser; Thomas Hofmann, Federal Geological Survey); Commission for the Modern History of Austria (Brigitte Mazohl)

Duration: 2022/01/07 – 2023/31/12

Photo: Ferdinand Hochstetter, sent by the Academy to sail around the world on the Novara, in his cabin. Painting by Joseph Selleny, 1857, (c) Geologische Bundesanstalt/Geschenk Heidi Kauffmann, Sign.: G 1168-R