In February, July and August, the ACDH-CH offers internships for students, academics and young professionals interested in getting to know the institute from the inside.

What we offer

Internships at the ACDH-CH aim to provide a hands-on work experience and an insight into the workings of an academic research institute with a focus on digital humanities scholarship. We are pleased to report that we have had 10 to 40 interns every year since the programme’s commencement in summer 2017.

Interns will gain a first-hand impression of the academic world and an understanding of what a career as a DH researcher may entail. In assigning interns to specific research projects or work groups, we will take into account their interests and allow them to practice specific skills, while also giving them the opportunity to expand their academic knowledge and gain new experience.

Depending on your personal specifications and previous experience, your activities at the ACDH-CH may focus on:

  • Project-Based Research: participating in one of the ACDH-CH's current research projects that engage in humanities scholarship with the help of digital tools and cover a broad spectrum of areas of inquiry from linguistics, philology, history, media studies, musicology and many more. (Please specify in your application which current project(s) you are particularly interested in and why).
  • Technical Development: developing and improving software for DH research, data analysis, user interface design, often in relation to one or more of the research projects.
  • Outreach and Knowledge Transfer: supporting our networks, knowledge transfer and outreach team in their task of internal and public communication, event management and other outreach activities.

We offer internships of 80 hours (20 hrs a week for 4 weeks), 120 hours (30 hrs a week for 4 weeks), and 160 hrs (20 hrs for 8 weeks, summer months only). Unfortunately, at this point, we cannot offer financial compensation, but we are happy to award academic credit if an external internship is part of your university curriculum.

Credits for university studies generally have to be agreed upon with your student coordinator at your respective institution. Students who are enrolled in the MA Digital Humanities at the University of Vienna can gain up to 6 ECTS for their internship.

What we're looking for

We welcome applications from everyone with an interest in the expanding field of the digital humanities. Given the great diversity of jobs within the DH, we are happy to accept interns from a wide variety of backgrounds, whether you are a student who studies in the humanities or somebody with a background in ICT or computer studies. In order to assign you a suitable position, we ask you to specify in your application where your capabilities and interests lie.

The ACDH-CH is looking in particular for applicants with backgrounds in philology (particularly German philology), linguistics, literary studies, musicology, or other paradigms of philological, cultural oder sociological paradgims. If you want to focus on ICT work, some familiarity with XML and web technologies such as HTML5, CSS & Javascript would be helpful.

In all interns, regardless of their specialization, we look for good reasoning skills, excellent time management, good social skills, reliability and accuracy. We also expect at least a basic adeptness in working with computers and digital methods. With regards to language skills, you should be able to communicate efficiently in either German or English, ideally both.

Please note that the internships are designed first and foremost to give students, aspiring academics and young professionals looking to pursue a career in the digital humanities an orientation and first impression of the work environment of a research institute, and an opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in a professional setting. Our internships are not geared towards experienced academics who want to learn the application of digital methods (for training opportunities of that type see the ACDH-CH Tool Galleries). For organisational and administrative reasons the ACDH-CH cannot support applicants in legal residence matters. For example, we do not apply for an AMS Anzeigebestätigung and we cannot help with any VISA issues.


ACDH-CH Internships Coordination



The application period for the Summer 2024 internships has ended.
The next possibility to apply for an ACDH-CH internship in February 2025 will be from beginning October to mid-November 2024.