Michael Kuhn (principal investigator) - michael.kuhn@oeaw.ac.at

Michael Kuhn leads the research group of population economics at the Vienna Institute of Demography. He has a doctorate in economics from the University of Rostock, Germany, and has held positions at the Centre of Health Economics, University of York, UK (1999-2004) and at the Max-Planck-Institute for Demographic Research and University of Rostock, Germany (2005-2008). His research interests lie in health, population and labour economics, and he has published, inter alia, in the Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Population Economics, Demographic Research and Theoretical Population Biology.


Stefan Wrzaczek  (co-applicant) - stefan.wrzaczek@tuwien.ac.at

Stefan Wrzaczek leads the FWF research project 'changing market structures in intertemporal optimization' at the University of Vienna. After receiving his PhD in 2005 he had positions at the Vienna University of Technology and the Vienna Institute of Demography. His research interests include applications of optimal control theory, age-structured optimal control theory, differential games, as well as health economics and population dynamics. He has published in Economics Letters, Theoretical Population Biology, Journal of Mathematical Economics, International Game Theory Review and Automatica.


Ivan Frankovic (project participant)

Ivan Frankovic is a Research Scholar at the Vienna Institute of Demography (since October 2014). In his research he studies the impact of medical progress, insurance expansion and climate change on health care expenditures, their interactions with the overall economy as well as their implications for welfare and mortality inequality. His main focus lies on the mathematical modelling of these processes as well as their numerical simulation. Mr. Frankovic completed his doctorate at the Technical University of Vienna in 2017. Furthermore, he received a M.Sc. degree in Mathematics from the University of Regensburg in 2013 and has worked in San Francisco for a health-care policy consultancy (2013-2014).


Petra Schmutz (administrative support) - petra.schmutz@oeaw.ac.at