I Frankovic, M Kelly and M Kuhn, Congestion in a Single-Payer Health Insurance System


I Frankovic and M Kuhn, 2018b, The impact of medical innovations on longevity inequality, Harvard School of Public Health, PGDA Working Paper #155.2018

I Frankovic and M Kuhn, 2018a, Health insurance, endogenous medical progress, and health expenditure growth, TU Vienna ECON Working Paper, 01/2018

I Frankovic, M Kuhn and S Wrzaczek, 2017, Medical Progress, Demand for Health Care, and Economic Performance, TU Vienna ECON Working Paper, 08/2017

I Frankovic, 2017, The Impact of Climate Change on Health Expenditures, TU Vienna ECON Working Paper, 02/2017

I Frankovic, M Kuhn and S Wrzaczek, 2016, Medical Care within an OLG economy with realistic demography, TU Vienna ECON Working Paper, 02/2016


M Kuhn and K Prettner, 2015, Population Structure and Consumption Growth: Evidence from National Transfer Accounts, Journal of Population Economics 31, 135-153

M Kuhn and K Prettner, 2016, Growth and Welfare Effects of Health Care in Knowledge Based Economies, Journal of Health Economics 46, 100-119

M Kuhn, S Wrzaczek, A Prskawetz and G Feichtinger, 2015, Optimal Choice of Health and Retirement in a Life-Cycle Model, Journal of Economic Theory 158A, 186-212

M Kuhn, S Wrzaczek, A Prskawetz and G Feichtinger, 2011, Externalities in a Life-Cycle Model with Endogenous Survival, Journal of Mathematical Economics 47, 627-641