Chemistry and Biology of Pteridines : : Pteridines and Folic Acid Derivatives. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Pteridines and Folic Acid Derivatives, Chemical, Biological and Clinical Aspects. / 8, : Montreal, Canada, June 15–20, 1986 / / ed. by B. A. Cooper, V. M. Whitehead.

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Place / Publishing House:Berlin ;, Boston : : De Gruyter, , [2019]
Year of Publication:2019
Edition:Reprint 2019
Series:Chemistry and Biology of Pteridines ; 8
Online Access:
Physical Description:1 online resource (1050 p.) :; Num. figs.
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505 0 0 |t Frontmatter --   |t Preface --   |t Acknowledgments --   |t Contents --   |t How it all Began: A Brief History of the Pteridine Symposia --   |t The Gowland Hopkins Lecture: The Mechanisms of Action of Folate and Pterin Requiring Enzymes --   |t Section A: Chemistry of Pterins and Folates --   |t Side-Chain Chemistry of Pteridines --   |t A General Method for the Synthesis of 10-Substituted-10-Deaza Folate Analogues --   |t Synthesis and Properties of Pyrimidodiazepines as Ring-Strained Probes of Pterin Utilizing Enzymes --   |t Summary: Pterin and Folate Chemistry --   |t A Facile Method for Preparing 2,4-Diamino-5,8-Dideazapterins --   |t Synthesis of 5,10-Dideaza-5,6,7,8-Tetrahydrofolic Acid (DDATHF) and Analogs --   |t Synthetic Routes to Methotrexate- and Folic Acid-Polyglutamates of High Chemical and Enantiomeric Purity --   |t In Vivo and In Vitro Evaluations of 5-[4-(Substituted Aryl)-1- Piperazinyl]-6-Alkyl-2,4-Pyrimidinediamines as Antitumor Agents --   |t The Electrochemical Oxidation of Tetrahydropterin Derivatives --   |t A Practical Synthesis of (6R)- and (6S)-5,6,7,8-Tetrahydrobiopterins --   |t Chemical Synthesis and Properties of Quinonoid (6R)-Dihydrobiopterin --   |t Pyrazine-Ring Conformations of Tetrahydropterins and Quinonoid-Dihydropterins --   |t Hydrogenation of Silylated Pterins in Benzene Solution --   |t N(5)-Alkylation of Polyacetylated 5,6,7,8-Tetrahydroneopterins --   |t Oxidations Photosensitized by Pterins and Diaminopteridines --   |t Structure of the Riboflavin Synthase/Lumazine Synthase Complex. Arrangement and Chain Folding of Subunits in the Icosahedral Capsid --   |t Use of C18 Silica Cartridges to Purify and Characterize Pterins --   |t Synthesis and Structure-Activity Relationships of Tetrahydrobiopterin Cofactor Analogues --   |t Synthesis, Purification and Properties of a New Class of Pteridine Derivatives --   |t Summary: Chemistry of Pterins --   |t Section B: Biosynthesis and Biochemistry of Pterins --   |t Biosynthesis of Tetrahydrobiopterin and Related Compounds in Drosophila melanogaster --   |t Tetrahydrobiopterin Biosynthesis in Man --   |t The Biosynthesis of Tetrahydrobiopterin in the Bovine Adrenal Medulla --   |t The Biosynthesis of Tetrahydrobiopterin in Rat Brain --   |t Summary: Biosynthesis of Tetrahydrobiopterin --   |t The Metabolic Role of Tetrahydrobiopterin --   |t Spectroscopic Studies on Tyrosine 3-Monooxygenase from Bovine Adrenal Medulla: A Blue Iron Protein --   |t Queuine-Lacking tNRAs in Relation to the Grade of Malignancy of Specific Tumors, Possible Role of Pteridines --   |t Pteridine Synthesis During Interaction of Interleukin 2 with T Lymphocytes - Modulator Function in IL-2 Signal Transmission --   |t Section C: Biology of Pterins --   |t Dopamine Neurons in Culture: A Model System for Examination of Neuronal Biopterin Metabolism --   |t Role of the Pituitary in the Regulation of Tetrahydrobiopterin Biosynthesis in the Non-Neuronal Tissues --   |t Distribution of GTP Cyclohydrolase-I, Neopterin, and Biopterin in the Human Brain --   |t Enzymatic Synthesis of 6,7-Dimethyl-8-Ribityllumazine --   |t A Model for Hyperphenylal aninaemia Due to Tetrahydrobiopterin Deficiency --   |t The Effect of Biopterin and its Reduced Derivatives on Cultured Human Lymphocytes --   |t Developmental Aspects of Biopterin Metabolism in Human --   |t Screening for Biopterin Defects Among Hyperphenylalaninemic Patients: Report of a Canadian Program After 3 Years --   |t Need for Therapy in utero of Fetuses with Tetrahydrobiopterin Deficiency --   |t Pteridine Metabolism in Patients Suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis --   |t Urinary Neopterin in Cocaine-Abusing Individuals --   |t Features of Neopterin Determination in Clinical Use --   |t Diurnal Variation in Urinary Pterin Excretion in Man --   |t The Relationship between Pteridines and Colour Dimorphism in the Scorpion Fly --   |t Pteridine Biosynthesis and Manifestation of Pigment Phenotypes in Normal and Neoplastic Cells of Goldfish in Vitro --   |t Light Depending Regulations of Pteridines in the Retina --   |t Differences in the Regulation of Tetrahydrobiopterin Biosynthesis in Neuronal Cells in Culture --   |t NADPH- and NADH-Specific Dihydropteridine Reductase in Teratocarcinoma Cells in Culture: Effect of Nerve Growth Factor Treatment of the Cells on the Enzyme Activities --   |t Reversibility of α-Diketo Reductase Activity by Sepiapterin Reductase --   |t Non-Enzymatic Synthesis of "Drosopterins" from Dihydropterin and 2-Amino-4-0xo-6-Acetyl-3H, 9H-7,8-Dihydropyrimido [4,5b] [1,4]Diazepine --   |t BH4 Biosynthesis: 1H-NMR Evidence for the Pyruvoyl-Tetrahydropterin-Synthase Catalyzed Formation of 6-Pyruvoyl-Tetrahydropterin from Dihydroneopterin Triphosphate --   |t Catabolism of Tetrahydrobiopterin in Man --   |t Pteridine Biosynthesis in Human Amniocytes and Chorionic Villi --   |t The Role of the Kidney in Biopterin Metabolism --   |t Tetrahydrobiopterin-Producing Enzyme Activities in Liver of Animals and Man --   |t Effect of 3-Hydroxykynurenine on GTP Cyclohydrolase Activity and on the Pteridine Pattern in Drosophila melanogaster --   |t Tetrahydrobiopterin Metabolism in Normal Brain, Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type and Down's Syndrome --   |t Summary: Biology of Pteridines --   |t Biosynthesis of Pteridines and Metabolism of Aromatic Amino Acids in Drosophila melanogaster --   |t The Inhibition of tRNA Transglycosylases by Pteridines as a Mean for Metabolic Control of Gene Expression --   |t Modulation of Dopamine Synthesis by Nerve Terminal Autoreceptors: A Role for Tetrahydrobiopterin? --   |t A Monoclonal Antibody Reacting with All Three Aromatic Amino Acid Hydroxylases --   |t Alterations in Cofactor-Dependent Activity of Phenylalanine Hydroxylase as a Function of pH --   |t Interaction of a Monoclonal Antibody with Rat Liver Phenylalanine Hydroxylase --   |t The Effect of Dietary Iron on the Activity of Rat Liver Phenylalanine Hydroxylase --   |t Strict Requirement of Fe2+ for Tryptophan 5-Monooxygenase from Mouse Mastocytoma, P-815 --   |t Tetrahydrobiopterin and the Regulation of Catecholamine Synthesis in Bovine Adrenal Medullary Chromaffin Cells --   |t Cofactor Activity of Tetrahydropterins for Tyrosine Hydroxylation in PC12 Pheochromocytoma Cells --   |t Summary: Pterin-Dependent Biological Reactions --   |t Tetrahydrobiopterin Deficiency. Analysis from an International Survey --   |t Cofactor Specificity of 6,6-Disubstituted Tetrahydropterins, and their Potential in the Treatment of Neurological Disorders --   |t Normal Concentrations of Tetrahydrobiopterin in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of Patients with Dihydropteridine Reductase Deficiency --   |t Prenatal Diagnosis of Tetrahydrobiopterin Deficiency --   |t Defective Biopterin Biosynthesis in a Chinese Infant --   |t Correlation of Dihydropterine Reductase Cross Reacting Material with Non-Responsiveness to a Tetrahydrobiopterin Load --   |t Neopterin and Dihydroneopterins in Serum of Controls and Patients with Various Diseases. Circadian Rhythm of Neopterin. Influence of Cortisol? --   |t Neopterin Content and GTP-Cyclohydrolase Activity of Blood Cells of Controls and Patients Positive for LAV/HTLV-III Antibodies --   |t Neopterin in Bone Marrow Transplant Monitoring: An Improvement in its Use for GVHD Diagnosis --   |t Importance of Neopterin Determination in Individuals at Risk for AIDS --   |t Biochemical Aspects of Pteridines During Interaction Between Activated T-Lymphocytes and Monocytes/Macrophages in Patients --   |t Summary: Pterins and Human Illness --   |t Section D: Folates and Pterins in Mammalian Tissues --   |t Folates in Tissues and Cells.  
505 0 0 |t Support for a "Two-Tier" Hypothesis of Regulation of One-Carbon Metabolism --   |t Elevation in the Rate of Cellular Folate Catabolism in Mid-Pregnancy in the Rat --   |t The Red Blood Cell as a Storage Site for Folic Acid --   |t Methotrexate and Biopterin Levels in Blood Following Low Dose Administration for Psoriasis --   |t Summary: Folates in Tissue and Cells --   |t Folate Rescue of N2O-Induced Inhibition in Murine Lymphocytes --   |t Folate Absorption and Metabolism in Alcohol Fed Rats --   |t Chronic and Acute Effects of Ethanol on Renal Clearance and Urinary Excretion of Folate in Rats --   |t Effect of Chronic Anticonvulsant Treatment on Folate Concentrations in the Rat --   |t Alcohol Induced Methyl Group Wastage as a Possible Cause of Fatty Liver --   |t Folate Catabolism in the Syrian Golden Hamster --   |t The Level of Folate Catabolism in Normal Human Populations, Suggesting that the Current Level of RDA for Folate is Excessive --   |t Microdetermination of Folate Monoglutamates in Serum by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Electrochemical Detection --   |t Folate Status in Psychiatric Patients: Relationship with CSF Neurotransmitter Metabolites --   |t Folate, Thiamine and Vitamin B12 Levels in Outpatient Epileptics --   |t Effect of Aspirin Ingestion on Folate Bioavailability Evaluated by Rat Liver Bioassay --   |t Brush Border Pteroylpolyglutamate Hydrolase in Pig Jejunum --   |t Use of CI-920 in the Characterization of the Methotrexate Transport Defect in a Resistant Human Leukemic CCRF-CEM Cell Line --   |t The Effect of Oxidative Stress on Methotrexate (MTX) Transport by Rat Hepatocytes --   |t Folate Transport by Pig Intestinal Brush Border Vesicles --   |t Depressed Folate Transfer Across the Mammary Gland Secondary to Iron Deficiency in the Rat --   |t Studies on the Mechanism of Folate Transport in Isolated Hepatocytes --   |t Analysis of the pH and Na+ Dependence of Intestinal Folate Transport --   |t Intestinal Transport of Folate. Characterization of the Transport Events at the Brush Border and the Basolateral Membranes --   |t The Synthesis of Some Novel Probes of Folate Transport and Binding --   |t Photoaffinity Probes of Dihydrofolate Reductase and of the Membrane Carrier for Folate Analogues --   |t The Use of Biosynthetic Radioactive Folylpolyglutamates to Study Intestinal Digestion and Absorption of Folate --   |t Selective Inhibition of Bacterial Carboxypeptidase G and Pancreatic Conjugase by 2-Mercaptomethylglutaric Acid --   |t Summary: Folate Absorption and Transport --   |t Studies on Glycine-N-Methyltransferase --   |t Folate Binding Protein from Pediococcus Cerevisiae Strains Possessing Active Transport Systems for Folates --   |t Immobilized Folate Binding Protein from Cow's Milk Used for Quantitation of Folate --   |t Characterization of Rabbit Antibodies Against the Folate Binding Protein from Cow's Milk --   |t Section E: Enzymology of Folates --   |t 1. Thymidylate Synthase --   |t Genetic and Chemical Studies on Thymidylate Synthase --   |t Active Site Probes of Thymidylate Synthetase --   |t Resonance-Raman Spectroscopic Identification of the Transient Intermediates Formed in the Native Ternary Complex with Thymidylate Synthase --   |t The Reversal of the Cytotoxicity of Folate-Based Thymidylate Synthase Inhibitors in Cultures L1210 Cells --   |t Thymidylate Synthase Activity in the Tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta --   |t Identification of Poly G Bound to Thymidylate Synthase --   |t Methotrexate Derivates of Deoxyuridylate Showing Inhibitory Properties for Thymidylate Synthetase from Lactobacillus casei --   |t Comparison of Thymidylate Synthase Isolated from Mouse Normal and Tumour Tissues --   |t Thymidylate Synthase Interaction with Analogues of dUMP and 5-Fluorid- 2'-Deoxyuridine-5'-Phosphate with Modified Phosphate Groups --   |t An In Vitro System for Studies on Inhibition of the Thymidylate Cycle --   |t N10-Propargyl-5,8-Dideazafolic Acid Polyglutamates as Inhibitors of Thymidylate Synthase and their Intracellular Formation --   |t Sequential CMF in Metastatic Breast Cancer: An Attempt to Increase Effectiveness by Means of Biochemical Modulation --   |t Model Studies of Thymidylate Synthase Reaction --   |t Synergistic Interaction Between Folinic Acid and the Fluoropyrimidines --   |t 2. Methionine Biosynthesis --   |t Methionine Biosynthesis --   |t Impaired Formylation and Uptake of Tetrahydrofolate by Rat Small Gut Following Cobalamin Inactivation --   |t Heterogeneity in Functional Methionine Synthase Deficiency --   |t Summary: Methionine Biosynthesis --   |t 3. Folyl Polyglutamate Synthetase --   |t Folylpoly-γ-glutamate Synthetase --   |t Cytotoxic Effects and Inhibition of Folylpolyglutamate Synthetase by Folate Analogs Containing 2, Omega-Diaminoalkanoic Acids --   |t An Upstream Gene Regulates the Expression of Folylpolyglutamate Synthetase-Dihydrofolate Synthetase in Escherichia coli --   |t Occurence and Synthesis of Pteroyl-γ-glutamyl-γ-glutamyl-poly-α-glutamates in Escherichia coli --   |t Summary: Folylpolyglutamate Synthesis --   |t The Metabolism of Pteroylpolyglutamates --   |t Dihydropteroyl Hexaglutamate and T4 Phage Baseplate Assembly --   |t Effects of Polyglutamylation on Folate Cofactor and Antifolate Activity in the Thymidylate Synthase Cycle of Permeabilized Murine Leukemia L1210 Cells --   |t Summary: Pteroylpolyglutamate metabolism --   |t 4. Dihydrofolate Reductase --   |t Recent Advances in the Study of Dihydrofolate Reductase --   |t The 2.8 Å Structure of a Type II Plasmid Encoded Dihydrofolate Reductase --   |t Mutations in the Human Dihydrofolate Reductase --   |t Theoretical Studies of the Structure, Conformational and Electronic Properties of Anticancer Folate Inhibitors --   |t Binding of Inhibitors with Spin-Labeled Side Chains to Dihydrofolate Reductase (DHFR) from Several Species --   |t Affinity Labeling of Dihydrofolate Reductase with an Iodoacetyl Lysine Analogue of Methotrexate --   |t Escherichia coli Dihydrofolate Reductase Isolated as a Folate Complex --   |t Dihydrofolate Reductase from Soybean Seedlings --   |t Use of Antibodies as Structural Probes of Dihydrofolate Reductases and Enzyme-Ligand Complexes --   |t Cooperativity in Inhibitor Binding to Neisseria gonorrhoeae Dihydrofolate Reductase --   |t pH Studies of the Reaction Catalyzed by Dihydrofolate Reductase from E. coli --   |t Effects of pH on Reactions Catalyzed by Dihydrofolate Reductase from Chicken Liver --   |t Unconjugated Dihydropterin Substrates for Bovine Liver Dihydrofolate Reductase --   |t Enzymatic Characterization of Recombinant Human Dihydrofolate Reductase Produced in E. coli --   |t Levels of Folates and Methotrexate Polyglutamate Formation in Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells Lacking Dihydrofolate Reductase --   |t Methotrexate in Adjuvant Arthritis --   |t Computer Graphic Modeling in Drug Design: Conformational Analysis and Active-Site Modeling of Lipophilic Diaminopyrimidines --   |t Effect of Antifolates 10-Methyl- and 10-Ethyl-10-Deaza-Aminopterin on a Human Breast Cancer Cell Line --   |t Biochemical and Cytotoxic Effects of the Erythro- and Threo-Isomers of Gamma-Fluoro-Methotrexate --   |t 5. Other Folate Enzymes --   |t C1-Tetrahydrofolate-Synthase, a Multifunctional Enzyme Involved in Purine Metabolism, and its Related Monofunctional Enzymes --   |t The Interaction of Tetrahydropteroylpolyglutamates with 10-Formyltetra-Hydrofolate Synthetase --   |t Summary: Folates in C 1 Metabolism --   |t Chemical Aspects of Dimethylglycine Dehydrogenase and Sarcosine Dehydrogenase --   |t Folate Normalizes Elevated PRPP Levels of Folate-Deficient HL-60 Cells --   |t Stereochemistry of Hydride Transfer to NADP+ by Methylene Tetrahydrofolate Dehydrogenase from Pig Liver --   |t The Effects of Thyroxine Status on Hepatic Levels of 10-Formyltetrahydrofolic Acid: NADP Oxidoreductase --   |t Interaction of Homocysteine with Methionine Synthetase --   |t Minor Form of Human Hepatic Betaine: Homocysteine S-Methyltransferase --   |t Studies of Cobalamin-Dependent Methionine Synthase from Escherichia coli B --   |t Inhibition of Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase by Adenosyl Methionine --   |t Regulation of Folate Homeostasis --   |t An Endogenous Inhibitor of Neurospora Folylpolyglutamate Synthetase --   |t Folylpolyglutamate Hydrolase from Beef Liver --   |t Use of Mammalian Cell Transformation to Isolate Genomic Sequences Encoding Human Folylpolyglutamate Synthetase (FPGS) and Dihydrofolate Reductase (DHFR) --   |t Section F: Methotrexate and Other Anti-Folates --   |t Antifolates: Expanding Horizons in 1986 --   |t Deaza Derivatives of Tetrahydrofolic Acid.  
505 0 0 |t A New Class of Folate Antimetabolite --   |t Structure Activity Relationships of Novel Triazine Antifolates --   |t The Effect of 7-Hydroxymethotrexate on the Antitumor Activity and Host Toxicity of Methotrexate In Vivo --   |t Summary: The Biology of Antifolates --   |t Crystal Structure of Methotrexate and its Conformational Comparison with Related Structures --   |t Effect of Methotrexate on Reduced Folates and Thymidylate Synthesis During Growth of L1210 Cells --   |t Dihydrofolate Reductase from Human Osteosarcoma Cells Resistant to Methotrexate --   |t Evidence for Direct Inhibition of Metabolic Pathways as a Mechanism of Action of Methotrexate --   |t Inhibition of Dihydrofolate Reductase and Thymidylate Synthase by Methotrexate Polyglutamate Analogues Lacking "Internal" α-Carboxyl Groups --   |t The Antifolate Activity of Poly-γ-Glutamyl Derivatives of Methotrexate, 10-Deazaaminopterin and 10-Ethyl-10 Deazaaminopterin --   |t Polyglutamation of the Thymidylate Synthase Inhibitor, N10-Propargyl-5,8-Dideazafolic Acid (CB 3717), in Organs of Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma-Bearing Mice --   |t 5,8-Dideazafolates as Substrates for Folypoly-γ-Glutamate Synthetase from Pig Liver --   |t 5-Substituted-5-Deaza Analogues of Classical Antifolates --   |t Azido-Substituted Antifolate Drugs: Synthesis, Structure, and Activity --   |t Summary: Novel Antifolates --   |t Author Index --   |t Subject Index --   |t List of Participants --   |t Backmatter 
506 0 |a restricted access  |u  |f online access with authorization  |2 star 
530 |a Issued also in print. 
538 |a Mode of access: Internet via World Wide Web. 
546 |a In English. 
588 0 |a Description based on online resource; title from PDF title page (publisher's Web site, viewed 01. Dez 2022) 
650 7 |a SCIENCE / General.  |2 bisacsh 
700 1 |a Akiba, Kaoruko,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Akino, M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Al-Haddad, D.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Albert, Adrien,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Allegra, C.J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Allegra, Carmen J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Amoroso, D.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Anderson, J.M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Andersson, K.K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Andondonskaja-Renz, B.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Antoulas, S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Appleman, J.R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Appleman, James R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Ardizzoni, A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Armstrong, R.A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Aschhoff, H.-J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Aubailly, M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Avery, T.L.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Awad, William M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Ayling, J.E.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Baccanari, D.P.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Baccanari, David P.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Bacher, A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Bailey, S.W.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Bairnsfather, L.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Banks, S.D.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Baram, J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Baram, Jacob,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Bartunik, H. D.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Beardsley, G. Peter,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Beaulieu, D.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Bel, Y.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Bell, C.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Benkovic, S.J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Benz-Lemoine, E.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Bertelli, G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Bertino, J.R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Besserer, J.A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Biehl, K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Bigham, E. C.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Bigham, E.C.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Blair, J.A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Blakley, R.L.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Blakley, Raymond L.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Blecha, H.G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Bliss, E.A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Bloom, L.M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Bognar, Andrew L.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Boritzki, T.J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Botez, M. I.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Bottiglieri, T.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Bowers, S.W.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Boyle, P.H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Bracco, G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Broom, Arthur D.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Brown, G. M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Brown, G.M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Bryant, P.K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Bujard, H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Burchall, J.J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Burgert, S.L.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Böhm, P.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Calvert, A.H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Carl, G.F.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Carney, M.W.P.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Chabner, B.A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Chabner, Bruce A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Chan, P.Y.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Chanarin, I.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Chandler, C.J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Chao, J.Y.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Chary, T.K.N.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Chen, J.-T.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Chen, Tjoe B.R.A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Chiodo, Louis A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Choe, H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Chow, C.W.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Chu, Frederick K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Cichowicz, D. J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Cieśla, J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Clow, C.L.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Cody, V.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Cody, Vivian,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Colby, J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Collins, T.D.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Conlon, R.M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Conte, P.F.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Cook, Robert J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Cooper, B. A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Cooper, B. A.,   |e editor.  |4 edt  |4 
700 1 |a Cooper, Bernard A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Cossins, E.A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Cossins, Edwin A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Cotton, R.G.H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Courtney, G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Courtney, L.F.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Coward, James K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Cremer-Bartels, G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Cuello, A.C.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Curtius, H.-Ch.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Danenberg, P.V.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Darcy-Vrillon, B.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Daubner, S.C.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Davidson, Norman,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Davis, Michael D.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a DeFrank, Theodore J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Deacon, Rosemary,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Delcamp, T.J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Delcroix, M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Dennis, T.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Dhondt, J.L.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Dhondt, Jean-Louis,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Di Cecco, R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Dias Selassie, C.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Dierich, M.P.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Dillard, S.B.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Dix, T.A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Doig, M.T.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Dracon, M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Dube, S.K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Duch, D. S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Duch, D.S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Duch, David S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Dunham, William R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Edelstein, M.P.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Eisenga, B.H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Ellwart, J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Emmerich, B.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Eto, Isao,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Evers, M.C.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Farriaux, J.P.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Ferone, R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Ferre, J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Ferré, J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Fierke, C.A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Finch, R.A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Fitzhugh, A.L.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Flatmark, T.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Fletcher, Stephen R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Fodor, S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Fonrobert, P.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Forsch, R.A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Forzy, G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Frasca, Verna,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Freisheim, J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Freisheim, J.H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Freisheim, James H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Frisius, Hildegard,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Fry, D.W.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Fuchs, D.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Fusco, V.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Galivan, John,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Gallivan, J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Galloway, Matthew P.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Gaumont, Y.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Gettins, Peter,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Ghisla, S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Ghitis, J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Gier, J. de,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Goldberg, H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Gready, J. E.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Green, Jacalyn,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Griffin, R.J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Grindey, Gerald B.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Grzelakowska-Sztabert, B.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Guardamagna, O.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Guilhot, F.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Gulisano, M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Guynn, R.W.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Haan, E.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Haavik, J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Halsted, C.H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Hamon, C.G.B.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Hanlon, M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Hansch, C.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Hansen, S.I.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Harpring, Kathleen M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Harrap, K.R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Harrington, Peter J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Hase, Y.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Hasegawa, Hiroyuki,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Hasler, Th.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Hausen, A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Hayte, J.M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Hengster, P.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Hilhorst, Ellen,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Hilton, J. G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Hinterhuber, H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Hochuli, E.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Holm, J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Hoppner, K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Horne, Donald W.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Howells, D. W.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Huber, J.F.K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Huber, R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Hung, J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Hunt, D.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Hutzenlaub, W.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Hyland, K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Hynes, J. B.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Hynes, J.B.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Hynes, John B.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Høier-Madsen, M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Ichiyama, Arata,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Inoue, K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Isshiki, G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Iwai, K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Jackman, A.L.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Jackson, Robert C.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Jacobson, K. Bruce,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Jacobson, K.B.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Jansen, G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Jaye, D.L.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Jencks, David A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Jennings, I.G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Joannon, P.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Jones, T.R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Joshi, G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Joyner, S.S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kalman, T.I.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kalman, Thomas I.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kamińska, B.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kang, Y.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kapatos, Gregory,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kaplan, P.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Katoh, S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kaufman, B.T.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kaufman, S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kaufman, Seymour,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Keating, J.M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kelly, M.J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kelner, Katrina L.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kempton, Robert J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kersten, H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kersten, W.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kerwar, Suresh,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kesavan, V.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Keyomarsi, Khandan,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Khwaja, T.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kisliuk, R.L.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kisliuk, Roy L.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Koch, M.A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kocher, H.P.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kohashi, M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kohrs, Frank,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kompis, I.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kozloff, Lloyd M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Krajewski, K.J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Krause, K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kraut, J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Krumdieck, Carlos L.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kulikowski, T.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kulinski, R.F.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kumar, P.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kumari, J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kunze, R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kuskinsky, R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kuster, Th.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kwee, S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Küther, G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Kędzierska, B.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Laberge, C.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Ladenstein, R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Lampi, B.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Lange, W.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Lapp, W.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Largillière, C.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Laundy, M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Leeming, R.J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Lehmann, H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Lelievre, G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Leopold, W.R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Leskopf, W.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Leupold, D.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Levine, Robert A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Lewis, Garry P.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Lowe, K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Lumb, M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Lura, R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a MacKenzie, R. E.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a MacKenzie, Robert E.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Machnicka, B.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Maley, Frank,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Maley, Gladys F.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Mandelbaum-Shavit, Frederika,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Mangum, John H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Manteuffel-Cymborowska, M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Masada, M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Matasović, A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Matsumoto, J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Matsuura, S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Matsuura, Sadao,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Matthews, D.A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Matthews, Keith D.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Matthews, Rowena G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Maubach, P.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Mayer, R.J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a McAdam, W.J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a McCaleb, G. S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a McGuire, John J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a McMartin, K.E.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a McNulty, H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a McPartlin, J.M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Meij, Paul F.C. van der,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Merrill, D.K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Milman, G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Milstien, S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Milstien, Sheldon,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Mohyuddin, F.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Mohyuddin, Fazl,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Molloy, A.M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Montgomery, J. A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Moran, R.G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Moran, Richard G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Morgan, F.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Morrison, John F.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Mura, P.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Murata, Shizuaki,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Ménsua, José L.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Nagatsu, T.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Nair, M.G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Nakagoshi, M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Nakanishi, Nobuo,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Nakata, H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Nayak, V.K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Naylor, E.W.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Nazarbaghi, R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Neuberger, G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Newell, D.R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Newton, P.A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Nexø, E.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Nichol, C. A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Nichol, C.A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Nichol, Charles A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Niederwieser, A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Nimec, Zenia,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Noronha, J.M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Noël, C.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Oatley, S.J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Okano, Y.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Okeke, C.C.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Osborne, C.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Osborne, Charles,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Oura, T.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Ozawa, Kenichi,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a O’Connor, D.L.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Pandit, Upendra K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Panos, C.H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Parniak, M.A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Pathak, A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Paton, D. R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Pawelczak, K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Pember, S.O.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Perry, Janet,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Petersson, L.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Pfleiderer, W.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Pheasant, A.E.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Pheasant, Anne E.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Picciano, M.F.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Pike, D.C.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Piper, J. R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Piper, J.R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Piper, James R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Piriou, A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Pollock, A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Ponzone, A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Price, E.M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Price, Elmer,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Priest, D.G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Primus, J.P.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Pristupa, Z. B.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Pronzato, P.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Przybylski, M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Pupons, Aiga,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Rabinowitz, J.C.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Ramamurthy, B.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Ratnam, M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Ratnam, S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Rebandel, H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Reddy, A.R.V.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Rehder, Mary-Catherine,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Reibnegger, G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Reinhard, J. F.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Reinhard, J.F.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Reisenauer, A.M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Reiss, D.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Renkel, R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Renner, D.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Repetto, L.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Reynolds, E.H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Rhee, Myung S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Rijksen, G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Rode, W.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Roessler, H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Rokos, H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Rokos, K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Rosenberg, I.H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Rosenblatt, D.S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Rosenblatt, David S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Rosowsky, A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Rosso, R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Rupar, C.A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Rzeszotarska, B.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Said, H. M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Sams, Laura A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Sands, Richard H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Santus, R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Sato, Judith K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Sato, Naoyoshi,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Sawada, M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Sawada, Y.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Scheibenreiter, Susanne,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Schirch, V.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Schmidt, H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Schneider, M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Schornagel, J.H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Schott, K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Schreiber, C.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Schulz, T.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Schwalbe, C.H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Schweitzer, B. I.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Schwulera, U.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Scott, J.M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Scrimgeour, K. G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Scriver, C.R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Selhub, J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Shane, B.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Shane, Barry,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Shannon, K.W.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Sherman, A.R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Shih, Chuan J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Shintaku, H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Shugar, D.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Sikora, E.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Silva, Francisco J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Singer, S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Sirotnak, F. M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Skiba, William E.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Slieker, L.J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Smith, Amy G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Smith, G. K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Smith, G.K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Smith, Gary K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Smith, I.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Smith, P.L.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Smith, S.L.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Soyka, R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Spiro, T.G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Srimatkandada, S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Staben, C.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Staudenmann, W.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Steinberg, Stephen E.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Steinerstauch, P.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Stephenson Riazzi, Barbara,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Stevens, M.F.G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Stokstad, E. L. R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Stokstad, E.L.R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Stone, Stuart R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Strong, B.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Strum, W. B.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Struppler, A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Stüber, D.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Sueoka, T.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Sugimoto, T.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Sugimoto, Takashi,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Sussman, D.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Sutton, Paul A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Suyama, I.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Switchenko, A.C.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Szewczyk, Boguslaw,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Szewczyk, Krystyna,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Tacquet, A.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Taira, K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Takikawa, S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Talmadge, K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Tansik, Robert L.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Tanzer, J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Taylor, E. C.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Taylor, Edward C.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Taylor, Shirley M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Then, R.L.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Thorndike, J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Toghiyani, Tahereh R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Toone, B.K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Tsuruhara, T.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Tsusué, M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Unterweger, B.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Vickers, P. J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Viscontini, M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Volk, R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Vuchich, M.J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Waard, Eduard R. de,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Wachter, H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Wagner, Conrad,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Wang, T.T.Y.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Watkins, David,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Watters, G.V.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Waxman, S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Webber, S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Weibel, E.K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Weir, D.G.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Wells, Marilyn S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Welsh, W.J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Werbel, L.M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Werner, E.R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a West, Deborah K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Whitehead, T.R.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Whitehead, V. M.,   |e editor.  |4 edt  |4 
700 1 |a Whitehead, V. Michael,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Whitehead, V.M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Whiteley, J.M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Wick, M.M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Wiesenfeldt, M.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Wilson, E.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Winkler, F.K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Wong, George S. K.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Wong, K.P.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Woolf, J. H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Wright, J.E.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Yamada, S.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Yamada, Shozo,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Yamamoto, H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Yang, In-Young,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Yim, J. J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Zeitler, H.-J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Zheng, Y.C.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Zhu, H.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Ziegler, I.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Zieliński, Z.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Zimmermann, J.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
700 1 |a Zubrod, E.,   |e contributor.  |4 ctb  |4 
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