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Superior document:Nachlass Eduard Glaser
Series:Nachlass Eduard Glaser
Contents/pieces:64 records
Physical Description:ca. 2 boxes
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Title Year Edition Band
Stielers Hand-Atlas Nr. 60. Arabien 1: 7500000, Hermann Habenicht, Ausgabe in 63 Kt.
Ḥuṣn in Ḍofîr, notes
Map 'Archäologisch-topographische Skizze von Südwestarabien'
Map 'Archäologisch-topographische Skizze von Südwestarabien'
Sketch map of Dâr Salm and surrounding area
Sketch map of Maʿāfir and surrounding area
Berichte aus Südarabien III, VI, XII, XIV
Map and list of names (Baraqiš)
Sketch map of 'Qamar Bay' region
'Berge bei Sanʾâ'
Sketch map of Ḍofîr, Sûda, Dî Bîn, Širʿân, Ṣanʻâ, Darhân, Mağe
Note concerning Oberstleutenant Ibrahim Šôker Mey
Note concerning de Rougé
Notes on Djôf - Hadramaut
Envelope 'Dokumente'
Note in Ancient South Arabic
Sketch map of El-Ḥōṭa, El-Ḥāḍina
Notes on Nakîl es Saud
Figural stone
Text fragments (Iklîl) and notes
Incent from Šeḥrî - Lubân Šeḥrî
Sketch map of Ma’īn, Hirrân, Ğ. Yām
Sketch map of Ta’iz, Ḥabeš, Sawâ
Notes (Ḥaiyim Ḥabšûš / Habshush)
Notes on an itinerary
Map 'Karte von Oman zu Wellsted's Reisen'
List of names, 'Pilgerreisen'
Note 'Mariber Tagebuch, Ma᾿in'
Figural stone (animal)
Sketch map of the region El ’Amûd and Maĝsil
Transcriptions of GL1000A and GL1000B (A805)
Map Nr. 4 of the surroundings of Marâšî
Transcriptions of GL1000A and GL1000B (A806)
Fragment of a stone inscription, A1020
Map Nr. 12 of the surroundings Kohlân
Map Nr. 13 of the surroundings ʾAffâr
Sketch of a map Nr. 15 of Ṣaʾda
Sketch map of J. Halévy's route 1869/70
Map Nr. 69 of Ostabhang des jemenischen Serât und ein Theil der Küste Dhena o. Rubʾ el ḥalî 1888
Map of Umgebung von Mârib (1888)
Map of Leo Hirsch's journey to South-Arabia, Mahra-Land and Ḥaḍramūt 1893
Map Nr. 29 (24?) of the surroundings of Tâʾila, Madiâk, Nâʿara
Map Nr. 25 of the surroundings of Dubr Holân
Map. Nr. 31 Ğail, Hamdân, Serîm
Map. Nr. 32 Mârib, Redâʾ
Transcription of inscription CIH 407
Nachrichten v. Oberst Ahmed Rȗšdi Bey
List of names Nr. 47 (Ḥuṣn es Sírjama, El Musamʾa, Es Sûr, Dî Hárim…)
Map Nr. 7 of the surroundings of El-Ašaḳ, Rumma
A spice sample of turmeric/curcuma
A sample of Qust - roots
A stone inscription
Notes on Mefa᾿a, Ḥanni Jesḥam Da᾿ân, Šahîr etc.
Notes on a route from Šuḳêḳ to Maḫâil
Sketch map of a route from Bedr to Aden
Sketch map 'Ṣan’â - Mârib'
Sketch map of Aden, Ṣan’â, El-Ḥodeida, Mārib, Wâda֫a
Notes on a text fragment of Iklîl
Karten-Skizze der Reise Dr. Eduard Glasers von Ṣan’â nach Mârib und zurück
Sketch map 'Abhang des jemenitischen Serât und ein Theil der Küste Dehna u. Rub᾿el ḥalî'
Sketch map of Golf of Aden
Plan von Sanʾâ (Yemen)