Do, 02.11.2023 14:00

Colloquium: Exoplanet Characterization and Evolution through JWST and Solar System Synergy

Professor Yamila Miguel (SRON, Leiden Observatory, NL) will introduce us to exoplanet characterisation with JWST, and how the Juno and Cassini missions can help to understand the new data.


Exoplanet Characterization and Evolution through JWST and Solar System Synergy

Professor Yamila Miguel
SRON, Leiden Observatory, NL

We are currently in a unique period for the study of giant exoplanets. With the discovery of over 5000 exoplanets and the availability of cutting-edge facilities like the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) providing unparalleled atmospheric data, we have transitioned from a phase of discovery to one of exoplanet characterization. Simultaneously, the Juno and Cassini missions have delivered exceptionally precise measurements, creating an exceptional opportunity to combine detailed information from our solar system's giant planets with the extensive exoplanetary data. This combination enables a deeper understanding of planetary physics, planet formation, and evolution.

During this presentation, I will discuss how the unprecedented atmospheric data collected from exoplanets using JWST, coupled with insights gained from the interiors of Solar System planets, can be utilized to infer exoplanet bulk metallicities and interior structures. Furthermore, I will explore how we can interpret JWST observations within the context of planetary evolution, providing insights into their origins.




IWF Colloquium series

Prof. Yamila Miguel

2.11.2023, 14.00 Uhr

Jupiter U.a.4  in-person