SY-Stem - a symposium focusing on the next generation of stem cell researchers – is an annual meeting, located in the beautiful city of Vienna. It is organized jointly by the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) and Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA).

In this two-and-a-half-day event, recognized keynote speakers, as well as aspiring young group leaders will discuss the latest advances in stem cell biology in an informal and collaborative setting. Our goal is to strengthen a cooperative and dynamic spirit in this research area.

The 2022 sessions include the following topics:

Controlling Dynamics & Size Control

Synthetic Biology






Kathrin Plath- UCLA

James Briscoe - Francis Crick Institute


Nina Cabezas-Wallscheid - Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics

Kevin Chalut - University of Cambridge

Siddharth Dey - UC Santa Barbara

Sven Falk - FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

Agnete Kirkeby - University of Copenhagen

Marlen Knobloch - University of Lausanne

Simona Lodato - Humanitas University

Moritz Mall - DKFZ

Federico Mauri - Boehringer-Ingelheim

Naomi Moris - Francis Crick Institute

Leonardo Morsut, University of Southern California

David Oriola Santandreu - EMBL Barcelona

Mercedes Paredes - UCSF

Marta Shahbazi - MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology

Katharina Sonnen - Hubrecht Institute

Cornelia Schwayer - Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI)

Antoine Zalc - Cochin Institute


Scientific Organizers

Elly Tanaka (IMP) - Juergen Knoblich (IMBA)

Christa Bücker (Max Perutz Labs) - Sofia Grade (IMBA) - Nicolas Rivron (IMBA) - Noelia Urban (IMBA)


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We would like to thank all companies that have kindly sponsored this symposium. 
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor please contact: lea.klement@imba.oeaw.ac.at