Over the past 20 years, IMBA has been the source of many ground-breaking discoveries, inspired the development of several spinoff companies and contributed to establishing international symposia. This timeline highlights some of the most relevant moments in IMBA's history, which serve as an inspiration for our mission going forward.


Elly Tanaka takes over

as IMBA's Scientific Director

First multi-chamber heart organoids

Sasha Mendjan and his lab develop the first multi-chamber cardiac organoids that recapitulate the normal functioning of the heart

Development of the CHOOSE system

Jürgen Knoblich and his team develop a novel technique to study the effect of multiple mutations in organoids at a single-cell level.

The 100th IMBA PhD student graduates

from the Vienna BioCenter PhD Program

Chromosome stabilization during cell division described

Daniel Gerlich and his lab discover how chromatin compaction mechanically stabilizes chromosomes during cell division

New mouse model for cancer research

Bon-Kyoung Koo develops Red2Onco, a new mouse model to detect initial steps in cancer development

COVID surveillance system developed

Ulrich Elling and his team develop a system for multiplexed detection of SARS-CoV-2 and establish the primary COVID surveillance system in Austria

HeartBeat.bio is launched

A spin-off to develop new drugs for heart disease based on cardiac organoids

Launch of Angios Biotech

A spin-off that uses human vascular organoids to develop new approaches for vascular therapy

First heart organoids that simulate heartbeat

Sasha Mendjan and his team produce cardioids, heart organoid models that simulate the heartbeat in a dish

Thymus role in pregnancy revealed

Josef Penninger and his team uncover how the thymus contributes to healthy pregnancies

Description of cytoplasm removal in the nucleus

Research by Daniel Gerlich and his lab describes how the nuclear cytoplasm is removed from the nucleus after cell division

Quantro Therapeutics is founded

A spin-off company to generate a cancer drug discovery pipeline

Markus Kiess joins IMBA

as Administrative Director

Upcycling of proteins protects DNA from parasites

Julius Brennecke and his team show how the piRNA pathway upcycles building blocks to protect genome integrity

Founding of a:head bio

A spin-off using brain organoids to develop new therapies for brain disorders

First human blood vessel organoids

Developed by Josef Penninger and his team

Jürgen Knoblich takes over

as Scientific Director

SLAM-seq is developed

Stefan Ameres and his team, together with researchers at the IMP, develop SLAM-seq, a method that allows them to characterize cancer genes

Development of Haplobank

Josef Penninger and his team develop a reversible haploid mouse embryonic stem cell biobank resource for functional genomics

Genome architecture of the embryo revealed

Research by Kikuë Tachibana and her group uncovers key mechanisms in chromatin organization unique to zygote nuclei uncover

Launch of SY-Stem

An annual conference on stem cell research

IMBA hosts its first Bioethics Symposium


Launch of the DBA initiative

Since then, the initiative has raised nearly 1 million Euro so far to fund research on the understudied disease Diamond-Blackfan anemia

Zygotic DNA surveillance system described

Kikuë Tachibana and her team describe a surveillance system that ensures repair of DNA lesions during zygotic reprogramming

First brain organoid

Developed by Jürgen Knoblich and Madeline Lancaster and voted one of the Top 10 Scientific Breakthroughs of 2013 by the journal Science

Maelstrom identified as an essential effector of Piwi-mediated transposon silencing

Discovery by Julius Brennecke and his team

Launch of the Vienna Biocenter Core Facilities


Austria’s first electron microscope

Established as a joint effort between IMBA and the IMP

Key gene in Osteoporosis revealed

Josef Penninger and his team single out RANKL as the key gene involved in osteoporosis

Michael Krebs joins IMBA

as Administrative Director

Josef Penninger joins IMBA

as Scientific Director

Foundation of IMBA

Initiated by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) and Boehringer Ingelheim