The new series »Arete. Publications of the Austrian Archaeological Institute in Athens« serves the publication of research on Greek subjects ranging from antiquity to the Byzantine period. In particular, research and excavation projects carried out at and in co-operation with the Athens branch of the OeAI, as well as events and conferences, will be published here. The series thus increases the visibility of the activities and research of the OeAI Athens.

The volumes will undergo an international peer review process before publication and will be published open-access subject to funding.

The series is edited by Birgitta Eder (Department of Historical Archaeology, OeAI) and published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences.



Kerschner, Michael (ed.), Interpreting the Pottery Record from Geometric and Archaic Sanctuaries in the Northwestern Peloponnese, Arete 3 (Vienna 2024)


Alexandra Tanner, Die Naiskoi D, E und F im Bereich des Theaters von Aigeira. Aigeira 4, Arete 2 (Vienna 2024)


Walter Gauß (Hrsg)., Forschungen im Bereich des Theaters von Aigeira 2011 bis 2018, Aigeira 3, Arete 1 (Vienna 2022)