›Archaeologia Austriaca‹ is a peer-reviewed international journal and focuses on the entire field of European prehistory and early history. The journal covers all periods from the Palaeolithic to modern times, which are subject to archaeological, anthropological and interdisciplinary investigations, including those involving the natural sciences.

›Archaeologia Austriaca‹ was founded in 1948 as a successor of the Wiener Prähistorische Zeitschrift (1914–1943), covering paleoanthropology, prehistory and the early history of Austria. In the course of the launch of the OREA Institute in 2013 and starting with Volume 97–98/2013–2014, the journal’s geographic and cultural emphasis was further expanded beyond Austria.

›Archaeologia Austriaca‹ is jointly edited by the Depatment of Prehisotry & WANA Archaeology and the Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology of the University Vienna. It is issued in print and online (open access) on an annual basis and includes articles, reports, special sections and book reviews on the archaeology of Austria, Europe and related areas. Publication languages are predominantly German and English.

All papers are available open access. In addition, the journal offers the possibility to publish articles "online first" well before print publication.

›Archaeologia Austriaca‹ is indexed by

  • Crossref
  • ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index, Thomson Reuters Web of Science)
  • Portico
  • Scopus
  • Scimago