
Alexander Minnich



RG »Prehistoric Phenomena«



Location: Dominikanerbastei 16, 1010 Vienna

Biographical sketch

Prehistoric archaeologist with research focus on the Central European Neolithic, especially the Linear Pottery Culture (LBK). After a combined study of Classical Archaeology, Prehistory, Early History and History in Regensburg (Germany) he decided to focus his research on the Early Neolithic Period. In his MA-Thesis (2014, University of Vienna) he investigated the topography of the type 1 buildings of the LBK, the so called »Großbauten«. In the context of his dissertation (uni:docs Fellowship Programme for Doctoral Candidates, 2017-2020, University of Vienna), which he successfully completed in 2021, he dealt with the development of the Early Neolithic house architecture of the oldest LBK site of Central Europe at Brunn am Gebirge, Wolfholz (Lower Austria) and compared these longhouses with houses from other settlements in the 6th millennium BC. As part of a digital open-acess project (ÖAI, PI: PD Dr. Laura Dietrich, RG »Prehistoric Phenomena«), he is currently investigating the spread of the eating habits of Europe's first farmers on the basis of grinding stones from the Early Neolithic settlement of Brunn am Gebirge. One focus here is the investigation of use-wear and residue analyses, as the settlement of Brunn am Gebirge could most likely be the place of origin of a certain type of over-edge runner closely associated with the production of bread. In this study, a total of 60 grinding stones from the Early Neolithic settlement of Brunn am Gebirge, Wolfholz will be systematically examined with regard to use wear and residue analyses.

Research Projects