Fri, 28.04.2023 – 29.04.2023

»Fates of Ancient Greek Pottery«

Workshop | Vienna


Fragment of a late Proto-Corinthian oinochoe with scale pattern (University of Vienna, Archaeological Collection, Inv. 1205; photo Kristina Klein)
»Fates of Ancient Greek Pottery: New Insights into Production, Trade, and Use«

In recent years, archaeometric investigations based on natural science have become increasingly important, also for Greek vase research. But over this should not be forgotten that the vessel itself carries a lot of important information about its production and use, trade and subsequent fate, which must first be seen and recognized. This is one of the traditional tasks of every CVA researcher, but also of all archaeologists and conservators who work with ancient pottery in University collections, in museums or on excavations. The planned workshop is dedicated to this important aspect of vase research. The insights gained will serve to expand our detailed knowledge of the production of ancient vessels in the context of the 'chaîne operatoire', which in turn will allow vase researchers to better understand the broader context.

The following aspects will be considered in this workshop: the preparation of the clay material, the wheel turning of the vessels including turning off and garnishing, the painting process with the figurative and ornamental decoration, the firing process, the finishing, aspects of the trade recognizable on the object as well as the later fate from antiquity to modern times.

We look forward to receiving proposals for papers and short contributions, explicitly work in progress, by January 31, 2023. For further details, please see the Call for Papers.

The project will cover travel and accommodation costs for active contributors. The selection will be made in February. Of course, it is also possible to participate without a presentation; we simply ask for an informal registration via the following e-mail address: hadwiga.schoerner(at)


The Workshop is organized by the project FWF 34519 »Greek Vases from Viennese Collections for CVA«, a cooperative project of the OeAI and the University of Vienna. 



April 28 and 29, 2023

Archaeological Collection of the University of Vienna (Franz-Klein-Gasse 1, 1190 Vienna)

OeAW-OeAI, University of Vienna

Hadwiga Schörner
Teresa Wagner

Call for Papers