
Career support for members of the Young Academy

In order to support the academic careers of its members, the Young Academy provides financial funding.

Young Academy members are eligible to apply for funding to support their individual academic careers. Each member is entitled to receive €1,000 per year or €8,000 per membership term. The range of eligible costs includes coaching and publication grants, as well as subsidies for events. It is strongly recommended that members of the Young Academy utilise the network to initiate interdisciplinary projects, thereby also benefiting from increased financial resources. 

In order to better meet the needs of young scientists, the guidelines for awarding career funding have been updated. All the documents that are required for an application, including the new guidelines, can be downloaded here.

The application process is simple and involves a brief description of the project and a cost breakdown. (Relevant forms will be provided upon request.) A short report and all proof of payment must be submitted within three months of completion of the project at the latest. Following a favourable assessment by the board of the Young Academy as per the guidelines, costs will be reimbursed.


Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW)
Actuary (Young Academy)
Dr. Ignaz Seipel-Platz 2
1010 Vienna

T +43 1 51581-1294