Spin-averaged density data are fully described in SpinAverageDPD_issue_1_2.pdf.

The files are ASCII tables, readable manually or used as input to the visualization and analysis software corrVandFluxRec (corrVandFuxRec_usermanual_issue3.pdf).

Source code is provided here: corrVandFlux_2023/source/.

Auxiliary input data are provided here: corrVandFlux_2023/data/.

These files also contain the measured data actually used for the derivation.
The files in the distribution cover the time range 2015-09-01 to 2023-05-31.
There are separate files for each of the four MMS spacecraft.

The files are located at sp_density_product/ named mms*_rec_final.dat where "*" stands for the spacecraft number 1 to 4.

Whereas the files mentioned above are in principle also readable by a text editor, they are rather large (1 to 2 GB) and inconvenient to be read in this way.

Therefore monthly files have been generated in addition and can be found in the directory:rec_monthly.

Their structure is identical to the complete files, except that the header section is missing. The headers are provided separately under the file name mms*_parameters.txt in the respective directory.

Spin-averaged files with measured data only (without derived densities) are available under with the file names mms*_out_edppeandivfands.dat in the directory sp_density_product/.
They had been used as intermediate data for the derivation of the plasma densities. The software to access these data is corrVandFlux, documented here

Source code is provided here: corrVandFlux_2023/source/.

Auxiliary input data are provided here: corrVandFlux_2023/data/.

All software requires the installation of IDL and the SPEDAS package.