The publication series of the ITA for politics and society

In this series, the ITA summarises the core results of its own research projects as well as of selected projects of other technology assessment institutions. The ITA Dossiers are only two pages long and present the topic in a non-scientific language with a view to options for actions in politics and society.

The ITA Dossiers are published here and on EPUB.OEAW/ITA-Dossiers. ISSN (online): 2306-196

Since we publish the dossiers according to the type and working language of the respective project, the following list may vary slightly from that in German.

List of german dossiers


  • ITA [Hrsg.],. (2015). Citizens´ view on sustainable consumption. ITA-Dossier no. 16en (October 2015; Authors: Leo Capari, Mahshid Sotoudeh). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-016en
  • ITA [Hrsg.],. (2015). Europe against Google & Co.? ITA-Dossier no. 15en (April 2015; Author: Astrid Mager). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-015en
  • ITA [Hrsg.],. (2015). Reducing food waste. ITA-Dossier no. 14en (March 2015; Authors: Niklas Gudowsky, Helge Torgersen). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-014en
  • ITA [Hrsg.],. (2014). Responsible innovation. ITA-Dossier no. 13en (November 2014; AutorInnen: Michael Nentwich, Niklas Gudowsky, Michael Ornetzeder, Helge Torgersen, Alexander Bogner, Walter Peissl). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-013en
  • ITA [Hrsg.],. (2014). How technology can support the ageing society. ITA-Dossier no. 12en (October 2014; Authors: Niklas Gudowsky, Ulrike Bechtold). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-012en
  • ITA [Hrsg.],. (2014). Do you know your score? ITA-Dossier no. 11en (July 2014; Authors: Jaro Krieger-Lamina, Walter Peissl). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-011en
  • ITA [Hrsg.],. (2014). Smart energy saving at home. ITA-Dossier no. 10en (July 2014; Author: Michael Ornetzeder). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-010en
  • ITA [Hrsg.],. (2014). Local citizen engagement in climate protection. ITA-Dossier no. 9en (June 2014; Author: Georg Aichholzer). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-009en
  • ITA [Hrsg.],. (2014). Roadmaps to the future. ITA-Dossier no. 8en (June 2014; Authors: Niklas Gudowsky, Mahshid Sotoudeh). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-008en
  • ITA [Hrsg.],. (2014). Security is more than technology! ITA-Dossier no. 7en (March 2014; Authors: Petra Wächter, Walter Peissl). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-007en
  • ITA [Hrsg.],. (2014). Drones, flying all-rounders? ITA-Dossier no. 6en (Jänner 2014; Autorin: Julia Haslinger). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-006en
  • ITA [Hrsg.],. (2013). Privacy in Social Media. ITA-Dossier no. 5en (Dezember 2013; Autoren: Michael Nentwich, Stefan Strauß). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-005en
  • ITA [Hrsg.],. (2013). The Spy in Your Pocket. ITA-Dossier Nr. 4en (September 2013; Autoren: Jaro Sterbik-Lamina, Walter Peissl). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-004en
  • ITA [Hrsg.],. (2013). The power grid of tomorrow. ITA-Dossier no. 3en (Februar 2013; AutorInnen: Julia Haslinger, Petra Wächter, Michael Ornetzeder). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-003en
  • ITA [Hrsg.],. (2013). How to manage technology controversies? ITA-Dossier no. 2en (Jänner 2013; Autor: Alexander Bogner). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-002en
  • ITA [Hrsg.],. (2013). Facebook & Co. change science. ITA-Dossier no. 1en (Jänner 2013; Autor: Michael Nentwich). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-001en

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