• Cavalcanti de Alcantara, Rafaela (29.11.2023) “Cambia, todo cambia”: Cuerpo-territorio and buen vivir as lenses to reflect on data commons. Vortrag bei: STS Austria Conference 2023, Wien/AUSTRIA <http://www.sts-austria.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/STS-Austria-Conference-2023_Full-Program-and-Abstracts_final.pdf>.

  • Ornetzeder, Michael (28.11.2023) It could be otherwise: Tracing and exploring alternative realities with STS research. Vortrag bei: STS Austria Conference 2023, Wien/AUSTRIA <http://www.sts-austria.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/STS-Austria-Conference-2023_Full-Program-and-Abstracts_final.pdf>.

  • Allhutter, Doris (28.11.2023) How Ideology, Hegemony and Sociomateriality shape the Micro-Politics of Design. Vortrag bei: STS-Austria Conference 2023 ‘Digging Where We Stand: Activism, Community, and the Politics of STS’, ÖAW, Vienna/AUSTRIA.

  • Mager, Astrid (28.11.2023) Automating Welfware: How to open up, re-imagine, and rebuild data infrastructures for the public good. Vortrag bei: STS Austria Conference 2023, ÖAW, Wien/AUSTRIA.

  • Cavalcanti de Alcantara, Rafaela (28.11.2023) The Challenge of “Commoning” Smart City Infrastructures: thinking about data integration platforms. Vortrag bei: STS Austria Conference 2023, Wien/AUSTRIA <http://www.sts-austria.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/STS-Austria-Conference-2023_Full-Program-and-Abstracts_final.pdf>.

  • Gazsó, André (24.11.2023) Risk Governance of Nanomaterials. Vortrag bei: Austrian Nano-Delegation to China (Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems (BINN), CAS), Beijing/CHINA.

  • Strauß, Stefan (23.11.2023) Menschzentrierte KI Automatisierung: Zwischen Automation Bias und Critical AI Literacy. Vortrag bei: Schafferei Konferenz 2023: Technikfolgenabschätzung aus Arbeitnehmer:innen Perspektive, Feldkirch/AUSTRIA.

  • Gazsó, André (23.11.2023) The role of technology assessment in governing emerging technologies. Vortrag bei: Austrian Nano-Delegation to China (National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (NCNST)), Beijing/CHINA.

  • Cavalcanti de Alcantara, Rafaela (22.11.2023) “Tire Meu Rosto da Sua Mira”: Em busca do banimento de tecnologias de reconhecimento facial na segurança pública brasileira. Vortrag bei: Online Lauching of the Book “Tecnologia, Segurança e Direitos: Os usos e riscos de sistemas de reconhecimento facial no Brasil”(Eds. Edler Duarte, D., Mesquita Ceia, E.) (Center for the Study of Violence of the University of São Paulo (NEV-USP)), São Paulo (online)/BRAZIL <https://www.youtube.com/live/H7pvM8DIm2w?si=QCaXThdgxsQRfBtv>.

  • Gazsó, André (22.11.2023) The role of technology assessment in governing emerging technologies. Vortrag bei: Austrian Nano-Delegation to China (Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics (SINANO), CAS), Suzhou/CHINA.

  • Bogner, Alexander (21.11.2023) Die Epistemisierung des Politischen und Konsequenzen für problemorientierte Forschung. Vortrag bei: Workshop „Transformationsforschung und Wissenschaftsforschung (Leopoldina Zentrum für Wissenschaftsforschung), Halle (Saale)/GERMANY.

  • Gazsó, André (21.11.2023) NanoTrust and the Austrian Nano Governance System. Vortrag bei: Austrian Nano-Delegation to China (Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology (SIMIT), CAS), Shanghai/CHINA.

  • Bogner, Alexander (07.11.2023) Wissenschaftliche Skepsis und Wissenschaftsskepsis. Vortrag bei: X. Biennale Treffen der Österreich-Bibliotheken des BMEIA im Ausland, Wien/AUSTRIA.

  • Mager, Astrid; Fischer, Fabian (06.11.2023) Algorithmic systems in public administration. The AMS Algorithm (AMAS) and its sociotechnical implications. Vortrag bei: RingVO Governing Inclusion and Exclusion in Digital Societies, Wien/AUSTRIA.

  • Sotoudeh, Mahshid (06.11.2023) Green Technologies in a Social Context. Vortrag bei: SusChem-AT Focusday 2023 “Green Chemical Engineering – Get it Started!”, TU Wien/AUSTRIA <https://www.suschem.at/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Agenda_SusChem-AT-FocusDay2023.pdf>.

  • Bogner, Alexander (03.11.2023) „Gesellschaftsdiagnose und Gesellschaftstheorie" (Impulsvortrag). Vortrag bei: 15. Bundeskongress Politische Bildung, Weimar/GERMANY.

  • Allhutter, Doris (28.10.2023) Mind Scripting in Practical Terms. Vortrag bei: Auto-Welf Lunch Time Series, online/AUSTRIA.

  • Allhutter, Doris (25.10.2023) Infrastructures of Welfare: the datafication of Europe's systems of social protection. Vortrag bei: STS Talk series of the STS Department at the University of Vienna, Vienna/AUSTRIA.

  • Bogner, Alexander (24.10.2023) Epistemische Sicherheit. Zur Rolle wissenschaftlicher Expertise in chronischen Krisen. Vortrag bei: 13. KIRAS Fachtagung (Sicherheitsforschung), Wien/AUSTRIA.

  • Kastenhofer, Karen (18.10.2023) Epistemic, social, cultural and regulatory implications of technoscientific convergence. Vortrag bei: Young Academy of Sciences Conference on "Convergence? Interfaces of the Digital and the Living", ÖAW, Wien/AUSTRIA.