Finding the path to a sustainable, nature-compatible and circular bioeconomy

A future-proof bioeconomy will be an important building block for the sustainable transformation of our society. The project led by NABU aimed to provide an impetus for shaping a sustainable, nature-friendly and circular bioeconomy in Germany and Europe.

To this end, a detailed list of criteria was used to identify regionally specific bioeconomy approaches that make an important contribution to environmental protection and nature conservation. With the help of interviews, NABU selected some pioneers and presented them in the brochure "Pathways to a sustainable bioeconomy" (12MB pdf, German only). ITA conducted two online surveys and an expert and stakeholder workshop to shed light on the ambivalent role of (future) biotechnology in the transition to a sustainable, nature-friendly and circular bioeconomy. The first survey examined which biotechnological applications or areas of application are already contributing to this goal today and which are expected to in the next 10 years.

In addition, specific factors that could influence future biotechnological applications were identified. After the qualitative analysis and aggregation of the data, the results were processed and served as a starting point for the group discussions at the participatory workshop in Berlin, which facilitated an exchange between stakeholders from science, industry and politics.

Following a joint assessment of technologies and areas of application, the stakeholders formulated goals for the near future and developed recommendations to support the implementation of a sustainable, environmentally friendly and circular bioeconomy in Germany and Europe. The recommendations were then substantiated and validated in a second online survey. These cover the areas of chemicals and materials, food production and novel foods as well as cascades, cycles and recycling.


11/2021 - 12/2023

Project team

