Development of a framework for comparative research on the implications and risks of innovations for a decarbonised energy system

Our energy system is changing. The shift away from coal and oil and the expansion of solar, wind and water power have far-reaching economic and social consequences. How can we understand the associated "wave" of technological innovation in a comparative way and assess both local and systemically relevant consequences and potential risks as early as possible?

This project aims to develop a new research framework for the comparative and systematic assessment of innovation impacts. The aim is to comprehensively analyse intended and unintended effects of energy innovations in order to increase the social benefit of innovations for the decarbonisation of the energy system.

Preparing for a new era

The next twenty years will be less about improving single technologies and more about designing and building new infrastructures, institutions and lifestyles. In science, this is referred to as transition, as the focus is on the shift from one state to another. The transformation of energy systems is an important example of this. If we really want to switch Europe's energy supply largely to renewable sources by 2050, we need far-reaching changes in energy supply and consumption.

The requirements for technical development are thus increasing significantly: technology must not only function smoothly and have as few negative consequences and risks as possible, it also has to make a relevant contribution to the far-reaching transformation of the energy system in the future. The research approach developed in this project aims to investigate whether and to what extent this is actually possible.

The project consists of three parts: First, a theoretical framework is developed on the basis of existing knowledge. This will focus on the idea that many of the consequences of technology only arise in connection with concrete forms of use. Technical innovations will therefore be described as a combination of technology and forms of use.

Secondly, the project will develop new research methods and rules for their application. And thirdly, the new research framework will be tested using a real-world example. Specifically, the project will focus on innovations that enable the decentralised generation, storage and use of renewable energies.



  • Riedlinger, D. (2024). Solarstrom im Netz. Ita-Newsfeed. Retrieved from
  • ITA [Hrsg.],. (2024). Solarstrom im Netz. ITA Dossier Nr. 75 (März 2024; Autor: Michael Ornetzeder). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-075
  • ITA [Hrsg.],. (2024). Solar Power Grid integration. ITA Dossier No 75en (March 2024; Author: Michael Ornetzeder). Wien. doi:10.1553/ita-doss-075en
  • Ornetzeder, M., Udrea, T., Bettin, S., & Sinozic-Martinez, T. (2023). Assessment of Socio-Technical Configurations: Towards a new framework for studying societal implications of energy innovations (ITA-manu:script 23-01). doi:10.1553/ITA-ms-23-01
  • Ornetzeder, M. (2022). Will we make the energy transition happen?. (FWF, Ed.), Interview & opinion: scilog. Retrieved from
  • Ornetzeder, M. (2022). Wird uns die Energiewende gelingen?. (FWF, Ed.), Interview & opinion: scilog. Retrieved from
  • Ornetzeder, M. (2022). Energiewende braucht breite Diskussion. Gastbeitrag in online-Medium: Retrieved from
  • Riedlinger, D. (2022). Digital Futures – spannende Erkenntnisse auf der europäischen TA-Konferenz. Ita-Newsfeed. Retrieved from
  • Riedlinger, D. (2020). Projektstart. Ita-Newsfeed. Retrieved from
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Conference Papers/Speeches

Conference Papers/Speeches

  • 04/06/2024 , Wien
    Michael Ornetzeder,  Steffen Bettin: 
    Konsequenzen der relationalen Wende für Forschungsmethoden in der Technikfolgenabschätzung
    Other Lecture
  • 27/09/2023 , Trondheim
    Michael Ornetzeder,  Steffen Bettin,  : 
    Fast but problematic: Social and environmental implications of private PV battery systems versus community-based solutions
    Beyond crisis/Beyond normal: A social science and humanities conference on sustainability
    Other Lecture
  • 06/06/2023 , Wien
    Michael Ornetzeder,  Steffen Bettin,  : 
    Das Soziale zuerst: Institutionelle Arrangements und konkurrierende ideologische Visionen von Individualismus und Kollektivismus in der Energiewende
    TA 23
    Other Lecture
  • 27/03/2023 , Wien

    Energiewende Folgenabschätzung: Theorie der Folgen, Folgenforschung und Energiewende: Projekt ExTRA
    Other Lecture
  • 10/03/2023 , Wien

    Energiewende Folgenabschätzung
    Vernetzungsworkshops - Folgen der Energiewende
    Other Lecture
  • 26/07/2022 , Karlsruhe
    Michael Ornetzeder,  Tanja Sinozic-Martinez,  Steffen Bettin,  : 
    Exploring side effects and risks of energy innovations using a configurational approach
    ETAC5 - Digital Future(s), TA in and for a Changing World
    Named Lecture
  • 08/10/2021 , Karlsruhe (online)
    Michael Ornetzeder,  Tanja Sinozic-Martinez,  Steffen Bettin,  : 
    Sustainability Transitions and their societal implications. Towards a configurational framework for the systematic assessment of technology impacts side-effects of energy innovations
    IST Conference 2021
    Other Lecture
  • 03/09/2021 , Rotterdam (online)
    Michael Ornetzeder,  Tanja Sinozic-Martinez,  Steffen Bettin,  : 
    Innovation as socio-technical configuration: Towards a relational approach for exploring effects and side-effects of energy innovations
    International Workshop: Framing Innovation in a Networked World
    Other Lecture
  • 01/09/2021 , Barcelona (online)
    Michael Ornetzeder,  Tanja Sinozic-Martinez,  Steffen Bettin,  : 
    Societal Implications of System Innovation: Exploring Alternative Socio-Technical Configurations in the Case of Household PV and Stationary Battery Systems
    15th ESA Conference 2021
    Other Lecture
  • 08/08/2021 , Toronto (online)
    Michael Ornetzeder,  Tanja Sinozic-Martinez,  Steffen Bettin,  : 
    The agency of socio-technical configurations: Effects and side effects of energy innovation
    4S Conference
    Other Lecture
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11/2020 - 06/2023

Project team

  • Tanja Sinozic-Martinez
