Dr. Sandra Guinand, MA

Postdoc researcher

T +43 1 51581 - 3542

Short biography

Sandra Guinand is an urban planner and geographer. She holds a doctorate in geosciences and the environment from the University of Lausanne and in geography from the University of Paris 1-Sorbonne, and is an associate researcher at EIREST Paris 1-Sorbonne University. She was a Swiss National Science Foundation visiting scholar (2014-2016) at the Center for place, culture and politics at the Graduate Center, City University of New York and Johns Hopkins University as well as at the Department of geography an regional research, University of Vienna (2017-2019). Since May 2022, is Sandra Guinand researcher at the Institute for Urban and Regional Research (ISR) and teaches at the University of Vienna.

Her research interests are urban regeneration projects, and socio-economical transformations of urban landscapes, with a specific focus on heritage processes, public-private partnerships and tourism.

Research Areas

  • Cultural heritage processes
  • Public-private partnerships and urban redevelopment projects
  • Urban regeneration
  • Tourism and gentrification
  • Photography as a qualitative research method

Research Projects

  • COMMONPATHS. (2022-2026). Commonification: transition pathways for urban sustainability. SNF/FNS (Swiss national science foundation). 
    Lead: Institute of Geography, University of Bern; Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern; 
    Partners: Sustainability Research Institute University of Leeds; John Cabot University Rome; Department of Sociology, University of Ghana; International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam. https://commonpaths.unibe.ch/

  • TransHerit. (2023-2025). TransHerit. Towards a new heritage regime? Financialisation of the historic housing stock (Gründerzeit) in Vienna and Budapest. 
    Lead: Institute for urban and regional research, Austrian Academy of Sciences; 
    Partners: Institute for Comparative Media and Communication Studies, Austrian Academy of Sciences; Metropolitan Research Institute, Budapest; HUB Architekten ZT GmbH

  • HerEntrEp. (2023-2025). “Heritage entrepreneurs": Mechanisms, instruments and sustainability of heritage redevelopment projects in France and Quebec.
    Lead: Irest, University of Paris1-Sorbonne
    Partners: Department of Geography, University of Laval; ESPI Bordeaux

Memberships and additional functions


  • PhD Thesis Award from the Faculty of geosciences and the envrionment, Lausanne University



Recent publications

Sandra Guinand, Claudia Bauer-Kroesbacher (2024). Touristische Potenziale: Das Interesse am Authentischen. Eine Fallstudie über den Brunnenmarkt in Wien.In Broy, Sonja, Kuder, Thomas (Hg.), Symbolische Orte machen. Ein Potenzial der Stadtentwicklung. (pp.202-2017) Berlin: Jovis Verlag.

Maria Gravari-Barbas, Sandra Guinand and Yue LU (2024). Les mondes ‘exotiques’ de Tianjin. Patrimonialisation, mise en tourisme et thématisation des anciennes concessions occidentales en Chine. Téoros. Revue de recherche en tourisme. Accessible at : https://journals.openedition.org/teoros/12297

Guinand, S., Kanellopoulou, D. (2023). Spatial Imaginaries “from the Ground”: Framing Fez’s Medina Contemporary Identity. Heritage & Society, DOI: 10.1080/2159032X.2023.2268319

Bahrami, F., Guinand, S., Kanellopoulou D. (2023). Ambiances Souterraines. Quel renouveau du débat ? Underground Atmospheres. Renewing the debate. Ambiances, 8. https://doi.org/10.4000/ambiances.4242

Gravari-Barbas, M., Guinand, S., Lu, Y., Li, X. (2023). Heritage and tourism development in China's former international concessions. Tianjin as a place study. International Journal of Tourism Cities, online, 10.1108/IJTC-05-2022-0133

Guinand, S., Rogerson, R. (2022). Heritage, culture and city centre performance. In R. Rogerson & B. Giddings (Eds.). The Future of the City Centre. Global Perspectives. (pp. 214-230). London: Routledge.

Guinand, S. (2022). Festival marketplaces, entre postérités et discontinuités Après la régénération urbaine. Gollion : Infolio Editions.

Guinand, S., Llubani, A., Bauer, S. Schwab, E. (2022). Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung an der urbanen Peripherie durch die Qualifizierung von Freiräumen. Stadt und Grün, 1, Berlin: Patzer Verlag, pp. 20-25.

Guinand, S., Rojo, A.M., Scherner, M. (2021). Exploring lived space of new build urban environment through photovoice interview: The case of Donau City in Vienna. CIDADES, Comunidades e Territórios, DOI: 10.15847/cct.23864.

Guinand, S., Schaller, S. (2021). Examining Public Private Partnerships and the Production of Space. Special issue, Journal of Urban Affairs, 43 (2), pp. 235.

Condevaux A, Gravari-Barbas, M., Guinand, S., (Eds.) (2021). Before and After Tourism. Tourism dynamics in everyday places. Geography and tourism series. Oxford : Routledge.